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HI Spy: Do you have any horse-related superstitions?

Plenty of otherwise-rational people find themselves
being extra cautious on Friday the 13th or averting their path after
a black cat has crossed it. Even pragmatic horse people may find themselves
holding on to some seemingly silly superstitions. In fact, horses are at the
center of many superstitions.

For example, there is the classic good-luck charm,
the horse shoe. Superstition dictates that when you hang a horse shoe, you must
put it with the rounded part facing down to prevent the good luck from spilling

In some cultures, white or gray horses were considered a bad omen and were
avoided at all costs. Dreaming of one meant your death was close at hand. But
then, in other cultures, a white horse was good luck and making a wish when you
see one was a sure way to make it come true.Tradition is similarly fickle about black horses, so it’s hard to know which is your better bet.

And then there’s this folkloric bit of horse-shopping

“One white foot, buy him;
Two white feet, try him;
Three white feet, look well about him;
Four white feet, do without him.”

Of course, these days, horse people are far more
logical about their horse buying. Or are they? Have you ever been warned
against a chestnut mare, or a horse with double whorls?

Even if you are a logical judge of horseflesh
without resorting to superstition, do you have a favorite pair of boot socks
that you are sure to wear during important shows? Did you consider renaming
your horse after you brought him home, but thought better of it because you’d heard it
was bad luck to do so? Is there a routine you feel compelled to follow before or after
every ride?

‘Fess up. Click submit a comment below and tell us
about your horse-related superstitions.Some of the responses may be published in a future issue of Horse Illustrated!

One selected response may be selected by the editors to win a monthly prize! If you would like to be eligible for the prize, please include your email address in the comment form (email addresses are not publicly displayed.)

See all HI Spy Questions >>

Abigail Boatwright

Abigail Boatwright is a freelance writer and photographer based in Texas, and is the editor of Horse Illustrated’s sister publication, Western Life Today.

View Comments

  • This is such a great question! If I get bucked off a horse or something similar, whatever I am wearing, I will never wear again. Whether it was those blue socks, or that black shirt, they are put in storage!! Other than that, I probably come upon superstitions that I do not know about. Maybe I should pay more attention!!

  • I'll do a great job on say, a course. I'll say good boy to my horse, and say I think I can do it again. But I then say, I'm not jinxing it, because usually, I'll do everything the same, and yet mess up somehow.

  • I always make double sure to praise my horse after every ride. I know she appreciates it, but it feels to me like not brushing my teeth if I don't!

  • Every time I ride my horse I use the same whip that I have practiced with and accomplished so many things. It may not have anything to do with how we do in the ring or in a lesson, but it's something I always do. That's my crazy superstition. :)

  • Before every ride i read an article in Horse Illustrated and i always seem to ride better even if it was not a riding article.Every now and then i will forget and a always don't ride has well! So i always read at least one article before i ride!

  • I will never name or buy a horse with a name like 'Devil' or something like that. To me, that means the horse can't be trusted or has a bad temperment.

  • I always give my horse a treat before I tack him up and after I get done riding him. If I forget, he doesn't seem to ride very well the next time I get on him.

  • When I'm at the hotel before the show I have to brush my teeth WITHOUT toothpaste, wear mismatched socks and eat fruitloops for breakfast. Also, I have to pay close attention to which color of fruitloop is left last...purple is a bad omen!

  • I'm afriad to I dream about a white horse, because I'm afriad someone I know will die. Some of my dreams actually happen, so I don't want to dream about a white horse.

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