Take lots of time to learn everything. If you go to fast, you'll get things wrong and have to start over.
Always spend time with and enjoy your horse. Never get too caught up with showing and life that you forget what it is to take a relaxing trail ride with your horse.
it's not all about going fast! To get good at this sport, posture and finesse are more than essential. Take your time to get it perfect, and I promise your horse will respond better. If your horse won't do what you're asking, don't lose your temper and take it out on the horse by being rough with your reins, feet, and crop. Ask yourself what you might be doing wrong in asking for something, and work towards fixing it.
Invest in a good instructor from the get-go. Building confidence will be the biggest challenge throughout your equestrian life and a trustworthy instructor can help you and give you the tools to build and maintain that confidence.
Paitence is key! Don't get frustrated with yourself or your horse, it will be worth it in the long run!
1st - Be patient and take it lesson by lesson. Keeping and working with horses is hard work and you will be tired and stressed at times. 2nd - Flow with the movements of the horse to earn confidence rather than fighting to earn control, after all you are the one learning initially not the horse. 3rd - You can't lie to a horse, so tell them everything and trust them to keep your secrets. 4th - Nothing can humble you faster than a horse. You won't ever know everything there is to know about them, but the fun part is finding out more!
horses don't care what you know only that you care so it won't matter if fresh out of the box or been around them all your life if your just beginning to ride trust the horse (hopefully it is a seasoned nothing suprises me type) and have a trusted friend around for encouragement.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. Everyone has been a beginner at some point, with the same questions you will have.
Don't be embarressed if you fall off! my mom always said you are not a real rider until you've fallen off
Make an effort to get involved with horse care around the barn, not just in the saddle. Groom your horse, learn basic horse care, hopefully youll be at a barn with kind staff that wount mind showing you what they know!