This sounds like a good program. Young ones, special girls, have not much a role models, with mothers, work and dads often not in the picture.
Yep, horses and ponies can help build any child, girls and boys learn about life and taking care of themselves and responsibility.
I absolutely agree with this article. Horses have the ability to connect with us in ways that others are unable to do. Yes, they teach young girls and us older ones as well, to go beyond ourselves. The most amazing thing to me is that because they are herd/prey animals,and they must trust the herd to keep them safe, they willingly extend that trust to us. They teach these girls through a mutual trust relationship. The horses and the girls exchange trust for each one's safety, and I have no doubt that the horses have been that safe place where girls tell things that they wouldn't tell anyone else. These amazing animals also teach us forgiveness when interacting with them. When we inadvertently do something the wrong way, they are very forgiving, and we learn to be the same way. There are a myriad of lessons that horses are able to teach young girls that will stay with them throughout their lives.