Please, please please have a look at this group and message the owner of what else she can do to get justice for her horse Millie. xxx
Good article except that it perpetuates the myth that old age is an excuse for a thin horse. It just isn't true. With simple measures such as soaking feed, horses 30+ years old can be kept just as round as their younger companions in almost every case. The exception is if a health issue exists - and then the person should be able to show that the horse is under the care of a veterinarian.
I experienced another form of neglect when I was boarding out my 3 horses. The property owners were paid to turn my horses out to pasture just during afternoons. No green grass from 5-6pm until noon the next day. They didn't and 2 out of 3 foundered, badly. I found out later that they didn't start feeding hay until snow was over the horses knees, regardless of how poor the fields were.
Unfortunately there are whakos out there that make a scene when they think a horse is neglected. They don't take into consideration a recent illness, like strangles, that affect the horse. Those type of idiots should speak to the owner of the horse instead of making false reports.
I experienced neglect with my current horse back in 2012. I bought him in Oct 2011 and within 6 months he lost 200 lbs. That was about 1/4 of his body weight. The barn owner was in denial until I had the Vet confirmed what I already knew. There was nothing wrong with my horse he just wasn't being fed enough. Needless to say I moved away from that barn. Sure enough withing a few months of proper feed he gained back everything he had lost.
What if you contacted an ACO, and they're supposedly checking in, but to no resolution. I honestly feel that they aren't doing anything to help. Who should I contact? I really need this resolved as I can't go on the property to check on him myself
Thanks so much for this post and sharing this information. I think a lot of people are under the impression that someone else is/will take care of a situation, or that one phone call to the police will make it all better. I wrote a similar story about my own horse who was seized at least twice in his life for starvation according the the rescue. I have no idea what happened to his former owner, but at least he is safe now. I'd love it if you could check out my blog here: Thanks!!
It is great that people are willing to help such beautiful animals! They deserve a good life just like us!