I wonder what kind of halters are on the horses, with the buckle on the top, over the nose. Good article.
I always wonder why my 4-year old one-eyed rescue mare sleeps blind-side up. She is clearly content at her barn...or severely lacks life-preservation skills!
I braid my gelding's long mane and tail before a show and will occasionally place his tail inside a tail bag. How he manages to successfully get his hair out of every single braid with ease, I have no idea. You'll never find the rubber band again, and his mane will look like you never even had it brushed, cleaned, and in a braid. You would think he had opposable thumbs. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if he commissioned his best buddy to help him out.
My mystery is this; Why is the love between a horse and its rider so special? Why is it horses who install the sense of belonging and love and overall peace in us? Why can we forget about all the wrongs in life and yet never can the smell of horse leave us? Why is this special bond impossible to sever and even harder to forget? Why is it I go to the barn every day even after I retired my first horse, even after that bad fall, even after the worst days imaginable? Why is this love so strong? Honestly, though, I don't think I need the answer.
I've always wondered why the 2yr. old filly at our barn will only drink water on the other side of the fence. The water dispenser dispenses water at the same point on both sides of the fence, but the filly refuses to drink on her side of the fence. Does "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" apply to water dispensers too?
It never ceases to amaze me how my horses come in from pasture with their halters completely on and yet their fly mask which goes on underneath the halter is missing. Although it can be annoying to search for the fly masks, I will never complain about the chance to ride bareback in the pasture searching for it.
I have a gray horse, and yes, I do wonder why he rolls in the dirt after a bath. Almost seems a wasted effort to even bother giving him one!!!
My pony always knew when she was in the show ring, she was perfect then. If we were schooling in the same ring the day before she was her normal mean self. I always was sad when we left the show!
I'm bamboozled how my horse can always tell whether or not I have a hidden treat in my pocket every time I come walking across the field. Accidentally forget it back at the barn? It can be a long walk all the way out to get her.