How old a person is she? I have a Fjord named Nils for trail rides around the area. If she's in Dutchess Co. NY she should drop by. She will not be getting an early start this Spring due to the snow and winter hanging on.
Bernice…when you get to Montana..look me up again. We'll ride together and you have a place to stay!! Happy trails gal and keep in touch.
Hey Burnice...if you venture towards the Hope Mills, Fayetteville NC area ... you are welcome to stay with us for a bit... I have a trailer and can even come get you to bring you to our place... email me if / when you would like to.
Between 1925 and 1928 Aimee Tschifely with two argentine criollo horses rode from Buenos Aires to New York.
I enjoyed reading about your travels so very much. What happened to your dog? He had to be the best company on your journey. God Bless .... Michele
I happened to be a lucky one to help this lady on her travels , I'm honored to have helped and placed her back on to her time schedule