![]() ![]() The author during her days as a horse camp counselor. |
A common question from friends, family and acquaintances is, “Where did your love of horses come from?”
Those of us in the horse world know this is a very personal question.
How did you gravitate toward the horsey life? Maybe your experience is similar to one of these scenarios, or maybe yours is completely different.
Perhaps you’re like me and a combination of these sources makes up your story.
“My parents had horses and we lived on a ranch. My parents told me that one day when I was little, I walked outside, pointed at the horse and said, ‘I want to ride.’ The rest is history.”
– Says the horse lover who grew up around horses.
If you have the family roots, you’ve had horse sense as long as you can remember. You grew up around them, and your barn has been your second home for just as long as the home with your bedroom.
This scenario is one people automatically assume describes me when they find out I’m from Texas. While Texas has amazing ranches, I did not grow up on one.
“I saw horses in a movie and wanted to ride them. The rest is history.”
– Says the horse lover who idolizes John Wayne.
If you’re a movie buff, you had the opportunity to watch a movie that didn’t necessarily captivate you because of the story. It captivated you because of the majestic horses running across the screen.
Personally, I wouldn’t say the movies were the number one motivator for me, but I think many of my horsey friends would agree that a scene from Black Beauty will distract us from anything else going on around us.
Cue the music: “My Little Pony, My Little Pony …”
– Sings every horse lover who loved My Little Pony and decided she wanted to ride a real pony.
My Little Pony is now a wildly popular TV show, but growing up, it was all about the toys. And you loved them. Now McDonald’s even gives them out in occasional Happy Meals.
Yes, I had My Little Pony. And Breyer Horses. And Grand Champion horses. And any toy I could find that was a horse. I had substantially more horse toys than Barbie dolls.
“I went to a week-long sleep away camp and they had horseback riding. From the moment I stepped into the barn, I was hooked. That was all I wanted to do!”
– Says the horse lover whose parents sent her to an all-around camp. When they picked her up from camp, they learned of her new passion.
Camp stories vary, but for you, it includes an incredible horse that introduced you to the love of the equine world. Your camp horse was patient, kind and very safe, a perfect combination for a new rider.
While I didn’t attend a horsey sleep away camp, I did attend horsey day camps in the summer. This turned into my summer job when I was in college. It was a blast!
The author during her formative years with Patches the pony. |
The Window Watcher
“We used to drive past a barn on the way to the grocery store when I was growing up. Starting in kindergarten I asked my mom if I could ride the horses at the barn. She let me start in second grade, and I never stopped.”
– Says the little girl who stared out the window every time they passed a barn while driving around town.
If you didn’t listen to the radio and instead eagerly anticipated the next time you’d pass a barn, you are the window-watcher-turned-horse-enthusiast.
This is my story. We would pass Whipple Tree Farm on almost a weekly basis. The first horse I rode was Patches, and she was the sweetest. Horses were all I talked about. It’s been over 20 years, and if you ask any of my friends, they will agree that I still talk about horses. A lot.
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Allison Griest is a freelance writer based in Texas. Follow her on Twitter: @allisongriest.
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View Comments
My love for horses came from I don't know but my mom said that when I was a baby and the first time I laid my eyes upon a horse she said I just smiled and did that every time I saw a horse. I wasn't born on a ranch I didn't get my love of horses from a movie or from playing with my little pony's or any other horse toy. I didn't get my first horse till I was 9 Digger was his name he was given to me but at 13,I bought one and had him for 10 years. My husband bought me a filly and I raised her then she had a foal. Unfortunately I no longer have my horses but they are my dreambthey are my goal in life. I believe that if it wasn't for my love of horses I'd be in a bad place.
I love this article if its about horses I love it thankyou for the article .
good ideas. But I matched none of these, I cant pin point where my love for horses comes from, none of my family members are horsey people and I never went to horse camp or collected horse figures.
I have to say I was born with a love of horses. From the time I was 2 and found in the "mean" stallion pen at my mum's friend's farm I was hooked. My family, with the exception of my mum who liked horses but didn't own them, no one likes horses. In fact most of my family is scared of them and think I am crazy. Horses are the best thing that have happened to me and as long as I live I will have them in my life. Cheaper than therapy. LOL
I come from a long line of horse lovers, when I was born and partly out of my mother I said I WANT A HORSE. I was riding with my mom in the saddle when I was about 9 months old and by myself when I was 4. I am now 60 and have 7 horses that are my wings.
It's not in my blood. Not a single relative understands my love of horses. I sat on a horse when I was 4 and I didn't want to get off. When I turned 11 I found my true calling as a horse crazy kid when I came into proper contact with horses. I've never looked back
I have no idea where my love came from, maybe I was born with it. As one of 6 children, I am the only one with this "NEED." I have no idea what age I was when I rode my first horse either. But I remember a hobby horse in our home as a young child, and I rode that pony all the time. Later, I was the pony giving my siblings pony ride on my back. My walls were covered in everything horse and National Velvet was my movie! When I was 13 I had a paper route and used that money to buy myself ridding lessons at a barn that I could ride my bike to. In High school I took a part time job cleaning stalls. My senior year, I came home to tell my mom that I had bought my first horse. When I first met my husband, I told him, I come with horses, we need to buy a farm, the rest is history.
My love of horses definitely came from just being around them as I grew up. My aunt had many different horses and I always wanted to ride with her. Horses just have this beauty and look of security that most animals don't have. I love horses because without them my life just wouldn't be whole. Horses are what have taught me so much throughout my life. Horses are my everything!
I was born with it. We drove past barns as we went grocery shopping and I collected tons of horse toys (including my little pony).
I go my first horse when I was 9 (a mini horse named Eli) then when I was 13 I got a QH named Cinnamon) I love every minute that I'mat the barn
I am the horse girl who was hooked when i first a picture of a horse and no one has ever tried to take me away from my horse that i finally got after 8 years of convincing my parents that this is not a faze but who i am and who i will ALWAYS be... :)