I am so very glad to see an article about fear. After almost 32 years at the age of 62 I returned to riding, i.e. lessons in the Western discipline. No way did I want to do the jumping routine again. This was a good choice on my part because the fear factor is up there. I have been riding almost a year (1x/wk) but basically just walk and trot, although I have been trail riding quite a bit. The trail riding with my instructor is giving me riding miles/experience. Sometimes I still get very nervous if one of the other horses canters or acts up, however, I am slowly gaining more confience. Lots of riding/practice certainly make a differemce but I still wonder when or/if I will reach the confedence level of my 20's. Hope so.
Thanks this really helped me! I'm still nervous after being kicked and rolled on by my green mare, and this kind of helped my mind set
Thanks for posting this article; it helped me a little with some anxiety I hate to admit to having around the thing I LOVE most in the world. I'm just sad that I get a chance to go riding or be around horses so little that it will take a longtime for me to be confident again.
Thanks so much for the articles, they really reinforced my own thoughts, I've been riding since i was a young girl and after 50 plus years have suffered my first broken bones. My friends and family have all told me to "just get back on" I am back on now but i did it slowly and my way I try to challenge myself everytime i ride and it is getting easier. After 9mo. of not being able to ride I now feel like a kid starting over again. But I love horses and I will get to where i was again. Started at comfort level and movin on up! The time will come for fear will not win!
As a beginner in my mid forties, I had an accident in which I could not control my horse and was hurt. It has been months of just waking with him. I feel like a failure daily, but this article really helped me rethink my fear. Thank you.
I had a bad fall and lost all my confidence. The thought of riding my wonderful horse made me actually feel sick to my stomach. After many months of forcing myself to ride and only making matters worse I found a trainer who completely understands my fear and has the patience of a saint. I am finally excited to get back on and ride. If it weren't for her I could not have done it. Baby steps- don't force yourself and don't replay your accident in your head every time you see your horse.
I am a beginner and struggle with fear often. It is the main reason I started lessons, in order to try to overcome that fear. Some days are better than others. God bless my wonderful trainer who completely understands, knows when to push me and when not to. Having someone who knows where I'm coming from makes all the difference in the world.