We have grown to accept wearing bicycle helmets and it seems ridiculous that people don't require at least their children to wear them! I agree that as an adult, I can't afford to be out of work, or permanently injured by a fall from a horse. I always wear a helmet and mostly trail ride flat shod gaited horses. I also team pen and work cattle and although I'm the only one wearing a helmet, I don't care. I've had a concusion before and if you've ever had a sever head injury, a helmet is not an incovience.
If you have any questions about the benefit of safety helmets, watch the video "Every Time, Every Ride". Seeing mothers describe how much they wish they had made their child wear a helmet, and watching former riders with head injuries try to express how their lives have changed is the strongest statement I have ever seen for helmet use.
excellent article. i am one of the few that wear a helmet occasionaly even though i know the how bad head injuries are and deal with them every day in my line of work. i know i should wear one more , but i get lulled into the false sense of security.
I do not wear a helmet when I ride my horse. I like to trail ride. I do not compete in any horse events when I ride. I think its a matter of choice to wear a helmet. If someone chooses to wear a helmet, I think thats great. The Helmets I've seen protect the top of the riders head from the top of the ear on up. It does not protect the side of the head or the neck. I feel a person is more likely to be injured from the neck down rather than receiving a head injury. Thats the main reason why I do not wear a helmet.
I didn't used to ever wear a helmet. I learned to ride when I was a kid growing up in Wyoming and helmets were unheard of. But all it takes is a horse with a bad habit of grabbing the bit and running away with you combined with a poorly maintained saddle and a cinch that breaks under the pressure of trying to get the horse's head turned to stop the run-away. . . I was knocked unconscious. It's hard to stay on a horse when your cinch breaks! I wear a helmet EVERY SINGLE TIME I get on my horse now. I've encouraged my friends to do the same. I've told them my story. Only one of them has listened. The rest are still tempting fate.
I have been saved from injury by a helmet. I was not jumping. I was not galloping, cantering, or walking. My horse and I were standing waiting for my daughter to mount up on her own horse, when the my mare's right hind slipped under her on the wet grass. She had not spooked, she just slipped. She litterally sat down. I flopped off, hit the back of my head on the ground, and craked the helmet. The mare who slipped in the grass? She's a Hanovarian dressage schoolmaster who successfully competed 4th Level only a few years ago.
I think helmets should be worn in ALL riding situations. When I was 14 I worked at a place that gave trail rides to tourists. I was leading my first ride ever and my manager said that I was on a safe horse and I'd be fine and that I didn't need a helmet. The horse ended up throwing me in the river, giving me a concussion and breaking my left jaw joint. I think if I'd have been wearing a helmet, my injuries wouldn't have been so severe. That was supposed to be just a relaxing, carefree trail ride, but for me, it wasn't. I always wear a helmet, no matter how funny or silly I may look. I'd rather look silly with all my brains in my head where they belong, than be 'cool' and have a serious head injury. your head isn't something you wanna take chances with.
those stupid arguments. argument 1 only top-leavel competitors need to wear one? yeah right do you know what you horse is going to do at every monent?? i don't think so you never really know untill it happens when your horse is going to spook. argument 2 only kids need to wear them. you have to be kidding me. kids believe it or not do have a brain and can evaluate risk factors. argument 3 helments are too hot, heavy ect. i know that but news flash its not a fashion contest.