I had a horse rear up and fall on top of me too. However, I was lucky enough to only have a stressed fracture in my pars. The doctor didn't allow me to ride for 2 months! However, after the end of the three months, My back was feeling much better. I have had to slowly get my balance back and am almost in as good of shape as I was before the accident. I can still feel the pain, but it doesn't stop me from riding! I loved these tips on getting through back pain! Thank you so much, and keep them coming!
I had 2 back surgeries in 1 year, the last fusion with little rods and screws. I am just getting back to riding 18 months after the last surgery and am a little nervous. Sometimes I get pain doing the sitting trot. I enjoy articles like this one to keep me positive.
This helped alot as I am a very unbalanced rider and struggle with scoliosis. I always feel lopsided but this will help me to develop inner core strength. Thanks alot!