this is so helpful. i had no idea there was so many things that happened if ur horse was dehydrated. also its really cool that ur horse can drink gatorade... does powerade work too??
I think this is great! I live in florida and it gets really hot here so its nice to know the do's and dont's
I never ride my horse when its higher than 100 degrees.. its too hot for me, so its way too hot for him. we have some REALLY hot summers!
use equine electrolytes over food. that seems to be the best and easiest way to ensure intake and consumption amounts. Usually you'll do a couple scoops a day before long workouts or trail rides, then up to 6-10 scoops depending on brand the day of heavy exercise.
This is a good article. I know people who run their horses all day in the heat and I hope they read this! Be careful if you use Gatorade though because I gave some to my pony once and he had a bad allergic reaction! His face was covered in welts and he looked horrible.
Wow this information is just in time...I was just wondering whether I should be riding right now, and if so, how much. Thanks!