Good article and video! I will just add, though, that when using a helmet with a gpa dial, make sure it is all the way loose before you put on the helmet. Then, once you have the helmet on your head, tighten it so that you feel a resistance when you try to pull up the helmet off your head. If it slips off when you have it all the way tight, then the helmet must be too large.
Is there any way we can petition the helmet makers to make a top hat/helmet combination for upper lever dressage competitions? They make combinations for saddle seat and western just not us dressage lovers? I am autistic so my brain already is messed up in a way and I don't need it or want it messed up from riding with out proper precautions. I have heard of one famous dressage rider already hospitalized for not riding without a helmet.
Andrea: In the current USEF Dressage rulebook, 'protective headgear' is allowed at all levels, and they SAY, anyways, that the rider will not be penalized (discriminated against?) for it. You're right though; someone should start making them, especially after King-Dyes accident. If you haven't already, you might want to check out Troxel's derby helmet (not the same as a top hat, of course) and there's an article on Equisearch about a dressage rider that managed to get a custom top hat cover and put it on a low-profile helmet base--probably a very pricey option.