This is very useful information. I brought a pony, who "must" foundered in the past, but it was not mentioned to me. It is a very painful to the owner and the horse/pony.
I have a 14 year old quarter horse that has been diagnosed with founder I have been treating him with cold water soaks and butte since september 1 and there seems little improvement I also walk him every day he walks very stiff legged. What else can I do ?
to barb get some original karosene, turpintine, pine tar, epton salt, drawing salve and saw dust and mix into a paste,and pack the feet with this every 3 or 4 days, they make a aluminan shoe that covers the frog, this mix will speed up getting the soreness out, i also used three tubes of but in recommended doses, it would hurt to get some sponges and cut to fit the feet after packing the feet duck tepe the sponges, again every 3 or 4 days. and you will get your back to normal, be patient