Every article I read always say consult/take lessons with a professional horse trainer. I can't afford to do that and besides, I don't even have a trailer to transport my horses anywhere. So what would the REAL advice be?
I sent my 7yr old mare to a trainer to fix her, I was the one that needed fixing. I took five lessons and he showed me that my mare was very well trained. Then he trained me to ride her. And this advice is right on the money. Ask for the collection and you get that lope that you can set to. Best think I ever did, learn how to ride my mare, the respect that I get from her is a lot better. I can get her to do anything.
Regarding the comment about every article involves hiring a trainer, instructor and not having a trailer. I am in the same position and have learned a lot from reading and from asking friends with more riding experience. One friend comes over periodically, watches me ride and gives some tips. My specialty is cooking and baking and she has a lunch and something to bring home....fair trade.