Although some horse people won’t admit it, a perfect night is spent in front of the television watching horse movies. In 2006, the Horse Illustrated editors picked 30 of their favorite horse movies in celebration of the magazine’s 30th anniversary. These favorites vary in terms of technical merit, but they’re all loved for the simple reason that they tell good stories.
Don’t forget to check out 30 great horse books and 30 great horse songs.
30 of the Best Horse Movies
![]() Sylvester In search of a hefty paycheck, cowgirl Melissa Gilbert enlists a former cavalryman to help her win a prestigious three-day event with her favorite bronco. |
![]() Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron As a wild stallion travels across the frontiers of the Old West, he befriends a young human and finds true love with a mare. |
![]() The Silver Stallion: King of the Wild Brumbies Russell Crowe plays a part in this movie about an Australian wild horse and the impact he has on a rural family. |
![]() Seabiscuit Based on the book by Laura Hillenbrand, this true story tells of the undersized Depression-era racehorse whose victories lifted not only the spirits of the team behind it but also those of the nation as well. |
![]() National Velvet Liz Taylor, as Velvet Brown, lives the dream we all had as children—win a horse in a lottery and turn him into a champion. In this case, young Velvet disguises herself as a boy and wins England’s famous Grand National steeplechase on her beloved Pie. |
![]() The Man From Snowy River An entertaining and visually stunning Australian western about a born horseman who single-handedly rounds up a herd of wild horses and pursues a rich rancher’s daughter. |
![]() War Horse This war drama directed and produced by the legendary Steven Spielberg follows Joey, an Irish Hunter horse raised by a British teenager as he is sold to the British Army. Along the way, Joey encounters various people throughout Europe before and during World War I. |
![]() International Velvet This is a sequel of sorts to “National Velvet.” A family tragedy brings Velvet’s niece, Sarah, to England. Sarah joins forces with a descendant of the great Pie and eventually makes the British three-day event team where she finds Olympic glory and true love. |
![]() The Horsemasters In this horse movie, enthusiastic equestrians work long and hard to earn British Horse Society certification. |
![]() Hildalgo Set in 1890, this is the story of a Pony Express courier (Viggo Mortensen) who travels to Arabia to compete with his horse, Hidalgo, in a dangerous race for a big prize. |
![]() The Electric Horseman In his pre-whispering days, Robert Redford starred in this story about a former rodeo cowboy who abandons the Las Vegas stage and takes off into the desert astride a former Derby winner. |
![]() A Day at the Races The Marx Brothers go to the races. Enough said. |
![]() Champions This testament to the strength of the human spirit is based on the life of English steeplechase jockey Bob Champion who was stricken with cancer at the age of 31 but never wavered in his dream of winning the Grand National. |
![]() The Black Stallion Returns In this sequel to “The Black Stallion,” Alec Ramsey travels to the Middle East to rescue his kidnapped horse. |
![]() Black Beauty Several versions have been created based on Anna Sewell’s classic horse book. In this movie, Beauty tells his own story about leaving his wonderful first home and being passed through indifferent and abusive owners before finally being reunited with the boy he loved. |
![]() The Story of Seabiscuit The 1949 film version of the unlikely champion, complete with a perfect Hollywood ending. Seabiscuit, a colt no one believes in, rises from the claiming ranks to become one of most successful racehorses of the 1930s. |
![]() Secretariat This Disney film tells the story of Secretariat, largely considered to be the greatest racehorse of all time. Diane Lane stars as his owner, Penny Chenery, as she makes history with “Big Red.” |
![]() Shergar A true tale about the Irish Thoroughbred who was kidnapped by the IRA and never seen again. |
![]() Phar Lap This movie chronicles the life of the much-loved Australian racehorse Phar Lap, who raced to stardom in the 1930s, and the gentle groom who loved him. Despite having to carry increasing amounts of weight, the horse is unbeatable. Phar Lap’s tale ends tragically when he dies under mysterious circumstances soon after winning his most important race—the Agua Caliente Handicap in Mexico. |
![]() Miracle of the White Stallions During World War II, the Lipizzan Stallions of the famous Spanish Riding School were in danger of being destroyed. They are rescued by General George Patton and the U.S. Army. |
![]() Let It Ride A cab driver learns about a horse race that’s going to be fixed. Succumbing to the temptation, he wins big, then bets it all on a horse named Hot to Trot. |
![]() Into the West Two gypsy boys growing up in poverty in Dublin, Ireland, are led on an adventure into the Connemara by a mysterious white horse. |
![]() The Horse Whisperer This romance movie centers on the relationship between a workaholic mother, an injured daughter, a frightened horse and the “horse whisperer” who touches their lives. |
![]() The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit A businessman uses a show horse ridden by his daughter as a advertising promotion for a stomach-ailment remedy. |
![]() Flicka Starring country singing legend Tim McGraw, this is a story of how a young girl claims a wild horse as her own. Such gallantry proves to the girl’s father (McGraw) that she is capable of one day taking over the family ranch. |
![]() Dreamer Cale Crane (played by young Dakota Fanning) catalyzes the rescue and rehabilitation of Sonador, a racehorse with a broken leg. |
![]() Ride Like a Girl This biological sports drama is based on the true story of Michelle Payne, who became the first female jockey to win the legendary Melbourne Cup in 2015. |
![]() Casey’s Shadow A young boy and his Quarter Horse-training father raise and train a foal that takes them all the way to the All American Quarter Horse Futurity. |
![]() The Black Stallion Based on the Walter Farley children’s book of the same name, The Black Stallion is a film about a young boy who, after surviving a shipwreck, is stranded on an island with a mysterious black horse. The pair form a powerful bond that helps them, once rescued, to race against and beat the fastest horses in the country. |
![]() All the Pretty Horses A coming-of-age tale based on the novel by Cormac McCarthy. Young Texas rancher John Grady Cole, played by Matt Damon, gets more adventure than he can handle when he heads to Mexico after the death of his father. |
Want to find out more about horse movies? Here are more resources on horses in film:
![]() For the horse trainer known for his respect and consideration of the horse, Mark Rashid’s journey of seeing his first novel, “Out of the Wild,” transformed into a feature film has been a lot like his horsemanship. Continue Reading >> |
![]() 5 Classic Must-See Horse Movies Let’s step back into the past and revisit horse movies from the 1940s-1960s that still portray timeless messages and provide inspiration for contemporary horse enthusiasts. Continue Reading >> |
![]() Rider Insider: The Best Horse Movies We’re recruiting your help in updating this list. Are there any classics that we missed? Are there some newer titles that deserve recognition? Continue Reading >> |
![]() Horse Movies Given Center Stage at the Equus Film Festival The inaugural New York City Equus Film Festival took place in Harlem, showcasing 119 films that were narrowed down from the 149 that were entered. Continue Reading >> |
![]() From Derby Dream to Silver Screen “50 to 1,” the new major motion picture about Kentucky Derby winner Mine That Bird, opens in theaters March 21, 2014 in New Mexico and will then expand across the country. Continue Reading >> |
![]() Friesians in Film The Friesian’s magnetic beauty is a perfect fit for the silver screen, and many movie and TV-show directors seek out these horses for their commanding presence. Continue Reading >> |
![]() Movie Review: Moondance Alexander Horse lovers are so desperate for films that accurately portray their lifestyle that they anxiously await the release of every horse flick. Often they are disappointed, as will probably be the case with Moondance Alexander. Continue Reading >> |
![]() Training Horses for the Silver Screen As a lifelong horse-crazy person, I feel qualified to be a critic of riders in TV shows, movies and advertisements, and I always wonder about the training that happens behind the scenes. Continue Reading >> |
This article is a web exclusive for Horse Illustrated magazine. Click here to subscribe!
I really like most of these movies! Although, “Flicka should have gotten a better place. I have wathched,”All the Pretty Horses” it is good!
I have looked through the books and movies. I agree with the books but on the movies my personel opinoin is that “The Man From Snowy River” should place higher than it did. I have watched that movie several times and it is one of my favorites. I would have placed that higher in my list.
I like this page because I haven’t ever heard of most of these movies and I am going to have rent them! I did see some of them and I have to say that Seabiscuit is probably the best as far as acting, special effects etc.
I think that Flicka should of got a better place though I think Spirt:the stollion of the simeron is better than flicka.
horses are my life. i think that dreamer, flicka, and the horse whisper should of been the top 3. i have saw most of the listed movies.all anything about horses makes me want to go be with my horse Hansom.
One movie that isn’t mention, probably because it’s very hard to find, is an old movie called The Gypsy Colt. If you can find it, I highly recommend it. Of the movies listed Phar Lap is probably my favorite, although I cry everytime I watch it.
1)Shergar is such a great movie!!! I watched it, and i was on my toes the whole time! 2) Flicka is a really sad movie, and McGraw plays a really mean father.. wich im guessing was very hard for him. but overall these two are my favorites!!! : ]
one movie that should be put on the count down is: Two Bits and Pepper. this movie is a great heart felt story about 2 girls and their horses.
I was happy to see International Velvet higher than National Velvet. I thought International was better too.
I like the list! There is so many I haven’t seen and I’ll have to search for. Although another horse movie is “Virginia’s Run” I don’t know how popular it is.
I’m surprised that you’d include “Flicka” (which I found unbelievable & pretty ho-hum) but not even mention the classic trilogy, “My Friend Flicka,
“Thunderhead” and “Green Grass of Wyoming.” I was extremely disappointed that the recent “Flicka” seeks to capitalize on the name of the classic film but bears no relation to the original (and IMHO, far better) Mary O’Hara books & films. I think the best thing about the “Flicka” film is that the three original (& I think, far better) films have now been re-released as a DVD set.
I do not agree with this list. I watched All the pretty Horses
and was not based on horses Like
Flicka or Sea Biscuit was. I thought that movie was really lame. My List would go like this:
1.Flicka 2.Sea Biscuit (new version) 3.Dreamer 4.Black Beauty 5. Black Stallion 6.Spirit and so on. These movies really show the bond between horse and rider and shows the everyday struggles of Life and howyou work through them with your Equine partner by your side!
Wild Horse Hank is the best movie. However it is so difficult to find. Starring a young Linda Blair.
Thanks for the listing. I have seen many of these but there are a few I have have not and want to see now.
I can’t believe In Pursuit of Honor didn’t make your list. It is by far the best horse movie EVER!!!!!!!
I am shocked that none of the sandstar flims are on the list.
What an awesome list. I know its imposssible to list all the great horse movies but if eeryone keeps putting one of thier favorites in a comment then we can get great source to see movies out thee. One of my favorites is Misty of Chincoteage also Blue Fire Lady,Rare Breed, A Leap of Faith and Bluegrass Special.
I loved the movie National Velvet. It is one of my favorites.
i think it is great that you have a top horse movie list!!
I love the movies: Seabuscuit, Horse Whisperer, and Dreamer. DREAMER is my FAVORITE movie of ALL TIME!!!
i am surprised that flicka and dreamer didnt place in the top 5! i think the article holds out fairly true!
I have seen some of them. I think Flicka and Seabiscuit should have got a better place.
I love horses so any movie about horses ill like. But I really like Flicka,Iam glad its one of the 30.
Awesome choices. I just made a list of movies i need to see, thanks.
these are
good movies
I love Dreamer and I coud not stop geting it from blokbuster!I’m glad its in the top 30 its nuber 11.WHY????Why can’t it be fist?It so good I have the book to but read it so much that I lost it.
so and so
My personal favorite horse movie of all time is WILD HEARTS CANT BE BROKEN. It is about a girl living during the depression who gets kicked out of her aunts house. She meets a showman who’s show involves diving horses. It shows that any horse is a great horse if you can understand them and the relationship that can develope between horse and human. I would recomend it to any one!
Thanks for listing the best 30 horse movies. Now I can go and rent/buy movies that I haven’t seen yet.
Hildago definitty belongs in the top 30. And Return to Snowy River. Guess we need a longer list!
The horse whisperer was a terible movie and not very family friendly! It was mostly about an unfaithful lady and not very good horsemanship. How can people say that is a horse movie, one tenth of it!!!!
310 to yuma should be added to this list
The movies catergory is pretty good. Hidalgo, seabuiscut and something to talk about should be in the lower numbers.. but they are all still great movies.
I think it is great to have a top 30 list. I hope there is more to come. One that should be on the list is THE COLT it is a great movie.I like Flicka glade to see it here.
In my opinion, Phar Lap should be farther up on the list. I love that movie. And The Black Stallion, too. The Black Stallion is possibly one of the best movies EVER. So beautiful.
great list of movies, definately a worthy addition to the website.
There are a lot of great horse movies out there. I heard of or seen half the movies on the list. The others movies I never heard of, but most of them sound like a good movie. I watched a horse movie called “Second Chance”. It was based off a true story about a little girl who was in a car accident in which she lost her dad and messed up her leg which left her depressed. Her mom and her movies to a trailer park near a horse farm. Where the girl meats a old racing horse, named Ginger, with a bad leg and don’t let anyone around her. Well, Ginger lets the girl go around her and so the owner lets the girl have her. The girl helps ginger with her leg and it helped the girl with her only leg problem and not to be depressed any more. It was a good movie!
I think Spirit should be higher up on the list, purely because it has the absolute most amazing soundtrack of any movie I’ve EVER seen. Hans Zimmer is amazing, basically.
I think that flicka should be in the top 10 because it was a great movie
i’ll be netflixing over half of theese asap! thnx for the list!
i love hidalgo
i love black beauty
i love the movie spirit
the movie dreamer was really good
the horse whisperer is one of my favorites
i love the movie spirit
Why do you only have 30?
I want to see the new movie 3:10 to Yuma
i just wanted to say that spirit flicka black buety and the horse whisperer are my fav. movies ever!
Great Page thanks for sharing
Cool list… Flicka should have been in the top 5, though. And Second Chances wasn’t on the list at all 🙁
I love all of these movies! They are all great for horse lovers but the age appropriateness differs (is appropriateness a word?)
Flicka and The Horse Whisperer are the BEST movies EVER!!
I have to say my fav. is “WILD HEARTS CAN’T BE BROKEN” and ” SECOND CHANCES”. They are really great horse movies the one that I liked the most was Second Chances about the little girl Sunny and her horse Ginger that she bought for four dollars off a stable man named Ben. She want’s to ride this horse in barrel racing but her mom wanted let her finally after some time she gets to after her leg gets better the horse has a bad leg to and the guy that she got the horse from pay’s to have the horses leg fixed that way she can ride in the show’s. It’s a wonderful movie if there is anyone that has not seen it need’s to get it and watch it’s GREAT! I love Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken it’s a great movie to that is another one that every one should see..
In my opinion The Black Stallion is the best horse movie ever!
I have seen a ton of the movies listed and they are awesome! I love National Velvet, Dreamer, Shergar, Black Stallion, Black Beauty, Seabiscut, Hildago, and Into the West and they are my favorites on the list so far out of the ones that I have seen! Great movies! I recently got a movie called “The Long Shot” and if not in the top 30 I think it deserves to be somewhere near the top as well. Great list! : )
THe Long Shot was an awesome horse movie!! 😀 It should be added.
i agree with most of these… i love the spirit movie!!
These are some really great movies. I’ve seen most of them. Thanks.
So, has anyone seen Two Bits and Pepper? If so, please place your comments on it here!
I am happy to see you included the movie Champions. I think the cinematography is superb in this movie!
seen most of these movies… love them!!!
I’ve seen most of those movies..but I own Black Beauty, Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron and Shergar…I actually never heard of Shergar until 2 weeks ago, when i got it..
they all look like very interesting movies
I agree that Sylvester is for sure the all time #1 horse movie!
Very Good! I can’t think of a good horse movie that HC didn’t put down!
Although I agree with the movies listed. I am surprised that “Wild Hearts Can’t be Broken” didn’t make your list. I loved that movie.
id say that all of those movies are good and you should sell them for like $10.00 each so think about it and if you do sell them id buy like all 40 if i have the money.
this is so sweet!!!!!
they should have had trigger somewhere in the preferably where she is born
I was wondering if you could help me find a movie.
I don’t remember the name of it, but it features a horse, and it’s about a single parent family. They move to this town into a old house, and they spend the summer fixing up the house, but the teenage daughter finds a horse that belongs to this uptight, controlling family thats kind of mean. The little boy gets bullied by the son of the mean family and I remember a scene where they throw mud on him. He breaks his leg or something.
It’s not Flicka, or Spirit, or Black Beauty, or Black Stallion, or the Snowy River movie, and it doesn’t have Rodney Dangerfield in it.
Thanks so much for your help. my email address is
I think ruffian’s the best horse movie. It still touches me deeply. I cried a half an hour after the movie went off! Ruffian’s not even on here!
These are all good! I was surprised to see Danny on there it was my second favorite horse movie growing up! The movie Flash which is also a horse movie (Disney)was my favorite and I highly recommend it!
Where’s “The Man from Snowy River”!?
It’s a great site. Where can I purchase some of these movies
There is a older movie and I cant remember the title, but its something like “Come October” about a girl who thinks that her grandfather has come back as a broken down race horse…….she buys him and the story goes on. Very good movie, only seen it once and would like to see it again if anyone out there can remember it.
I like almost all the movies on the list,but I think you should add the Long Shot and Ruffian.
I completely agree with your list!!
LONELY ARE THE BRAVE – Not only my favorite movie, but also said to be leading actor Kirk Douglas’s favorite movie of the ones he played in. While the movie isn’t about the mare, she plays a major enough role for it to be considered a “horse” movie.
I LOVE the movie “Into the West” Good Job for choosing it. Everyone should see it!
I wish there was a deal offered here to purchase the 30 movies, eventhough I have a couple of them.
I can’t believe Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken did not make this list!
For so long Danny has been my favorite movie and most of my friends (even my horsey friends hadnt heard of it) so I am SOOOOOO happy that it made top 10!!!!!!!
all good movies, you forgot one…”Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken” true story, of course I cried!
All The Pretty Horses was one of the worst movies I have ever seen! It was hardly about horses? And what about the movie The Long Shot, it was about a blind horse and dressage
I agree, All The Pretty horses was an extreemly lame movie and not about horses at all.
“Flash” wasn’t on the list. It is fabulous and heartwarming!
omg!!!! i love the list except just like kim “wild hearts cant be broken” is not on there! i love that movie and i cried too!!!!!! it was great!!
i want to know how i can buy 2 movies the hosemasters and pharlap
I have 18 out of the 30 lol!
Black Beauty should definately be first!! 😀 Hidalgo should be last; or not even on the list…I hated that movie. Spirit should be 2nd. 😀
Hidalgo should be in there. I love that movie!
I love the movie Gallant Bess. About a horse found on an island in WWII. It wasn’t on our list.
I didn’t see a mention of The Princess Stallion nor
The Young Black Stallion, a prequel to the Black Stallion (the movie features a young girl; the book, as I remember, a boy).
Neglected to mention from previous post that when a movie is a remake, writer should denote which version he/she means; for instance: Flicka is often mentioned on this post but that movie is not even remotely similar to My Friend Flicka (original movie with Roddy McDowell) nor to the book.
How about Smokey (book by Will Henry) originally made with Fred McMurray; the remake stars Fess Parker. Understand the Fred McMurray version – which I’ve not seen – is superior to the Fess Parker one. There is also the made-for-TV Barbaro. Others which I’m sure will later come to mind.
Here’s to HorseLovers wherever they may be!
I love ” the horse in the gray flannel suit”!
Its funny..
my fav is moondance alexander, and the saddle club shows…. but i am only 12
There were a number of excellent horse movies listed but whoever decided that All The Pretty Horses was a good movie, much less a good horse movie is mistaken. Coming of age, yes, but filled with violence and prejudice not worthy of the 30 best horse movies’ list.
Please correct the spelling on #14 horSEmasters
this is a question not a comment. I am not a horse person… but a movie person.. only several ocassions i have seen one actor in particular that seems to be a better than average “rider” or whatever the correct term is… I have no expertise here so i thought maybe you or one of the presons commenting could. My question is this, who is the best actor or actress rider? seems most hollywood heart throbs can ride but is there one or two that are better, even old Robert Duvall seems very comfortable on a horse, Costner too, but by comparison, who is the best? The person i have noted is Stephen Lang. Ike Clanton in tombstone, Stonewall in Gods and Generals and Geo Pickett in Gettysburg…he always seems to handle his horse so well…. maybe i have just seen some close calls and mistook them for greatness.
ok, i have LOVED horses sinse i was five and wow horses are THE best!
Out of all these movies.. i think i choose Spirit. Spirit…. oh man i love that movie SO much! It’s the best animaed horse movie i hahve ever seen in my whole life!
I watched Spirit for the first time last night and it is the best movie ever. There is a miniature horse named Spirit and he has a VERY special place in my heart.
I expected The Long Shot to make the top five, and was very disappointed to find that it didn’t even make the list at all.
I was really hoping Smokey would make the list it’s always been one of my favorites.
What about Misty, King of the WInd, Justin Morgan had a Horse, The Tattoed Police Horse.
I think DIsney alone has about 30 horse movies.
I wish they would release them soon.
You should give the rating for the movies.
whata about misty!!?you cant forget MISTY!!!!!!!!!!
Personally, my top five are
5: Seabiscuit
4: Return to Snowy River
3: Ladyhawke
2: Hidalgo
1: The Man from Snowy River
but in fairness, I haven’t seen all these movies, but now I have some to watch!
I like Second Chances, about a girl who was in an accident and falls in love with a horse no one wants and turns her into a barrel racer. Another good movie is Breaking Free about a kid who helps at a camp for the blind instead of going to jail, and helps a blind gymnast learn how to jump. Running Free is decent too.
Does anyone know that movie where a guy is sent to help at a ranch and a balla dancer is blind and he helps her learn to ride. They go to a show and she learns to trust the horse.
I know the movie your talking about I can’t remember the name ether. does somebody know?
It’s called Breaking Free. Fun movie
You guys should also add this movie called Gypsy Colt, and Blue Fire Lady, both very good horse movies
Just to let you know another couple of wonderful horse movies are as follows one is the movie called The Long Shot,also The Last Cowboy both have horses and family if you loves horses you will love these
I’m only 13 and I’ve been riding for 9 years. I compete and whenever I watch horse movies, I get angry because they pick all these beautiful/famous actors/actresses and the people can’t ride for their life!! Why can’t the producers just pick someone who can ride.
Maybe I’ve got it all wrong and it can’t work that way, but whatever.
I don’t agree with this list at all…
I also have seen Breaking Free, and Gypsy colt
Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken-terrific story!
I think the movie “Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken” was one of the best horse movies of all time.
Well the movie all the pretty horses has barely anything to do with horses at all!
Hi there
Where’s my favorite. My friend Flika with Rodney
Mcdowell. That’s an oldie but goodie
Ummm where is Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken???? Great list, but alas it is missing my all time favourite!
Moondance Alexander is also a great horse movie for teenagers
okay i have seen almost all those movies and spirit should not be 28th it should be second and dreamer should be first hows with me they dont no us right
All good but,what about Moondance Alexander
dreamer should be number one. i looove that movie. and flick should not be on here… great movie but killed 2 horses in the making…
You guys totally missed the greatest westerns of all time!
Monte Walsh
Quigly Down Under
and Tombstone
Spirit:Stalion of the cimarron is my fav movie of ALL time! i’ve watched it 102 times! i actually counted:) its so sad, but i just love the glory of mustangs and the west. the other movies r great 2!
these are son of my favorite movies.
Seabiscuit is my favorite, the movie, not the narrative documentary although I bought that one by mistake!
Another I liked a lot was Deby Stallion a wonderful story. Gotta see this one.
spirit should be number 1 and the man from snowy river should be 2
Hi, You picked some good movies. I have some of those titles. My favorite is Dreamer.
Some of these I have never heard of and because they are listed here I will have to see them. Many, I have seen and truly enjoyed.
Ah! You forgot Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken! It’s about diving horses during the Great Depression. It’s fantastic and based on a true story!
You did forget Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken! The Black Stallion should be number 1 or Black Beauty! I did not like Flicka.
Good list.
There’s a good movie I want to add via comments. It’s called The Long Shot. It’s about a woman that’s left behind when her husband takes off with no notice. She’s left without money, with a horse, kid and horse trailer in a motel parking lot. He took the truck. WONDERFUL movie. Made me cry. I’d see it again and again.
I think dreamer is the best movie, but Black Beauty is the classic that started my love for horses!
Totally agree about Wild Hearts can’t be broken. My daughter( now in her 20’s) and I always watch it when she comes home to visit.
There are few that I just love watching, The Black Stallion, Hildalgo, Wild Hearts cant be broken, National Velvet, Seabiscuit.
I fell in love with Miracle of the White Stallions when I was a child and still watch that as well and of course like someone else mentioned – Black Beauty – the all time – although I liked the book as well.
I love wild hearts can’t be broken. i just love the black stallion. i have all of the seasons.
i love spirt
i didn’t enjoy the spirit movie..too unrealistic.i’ve seen about half the movies on this list 🙂
Those movies rock
Two-Bits and Pepper was an amazing movie! Where is it t on the list?
I like the Heartland (CA) tv series! The only place to watch it in the US is on youtube….. I think. I know thats where I watch it!
My favorite movie would DEFINETLY have to be Dreamer. It is sooooooooooooo good. If you have not seen it, go rent it right away!!!
what about misty of chinoteage? black gold ? black beauty? the red pony ? and I know there are more. I have read so many since I was able to read.
The Rogue Stallion is also a great one.
I remember an old Disney movie called The Tatooed Police Horse about a Standardbred racehorse that would get excited and start to run instead of trot. He was sold and eventually ended up in police horse training. One day, he was on duty at the racetrack when a sulky crashed and was dragging the driver. The police officer tried to run after the loose horse, but instead the old race horse chased him down the track at a trot without breaking and caught up with the loose horse. That was when the former owner saw him and realized that his old horse had learned not to get excited and break gait.
Dreamer, BEST MOVIE EVER!!!! go rent it now if you havent seen it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken is also a great movie and one of my favorites. In regards to Flicka, I prefer the original movie from 1943 that stays truer to the story.
The movie “Bandidas” is fun and where the horses and animals are the main essence.
Um I really like Moondance Alexander! I think it’s a cute movie and it shows that paints can actually jump!
I love the movie Flicka and I also like dreamer but, I really like the movie The Wild Stallion and I want to see it on the list somewhere if it possible. But I the list anyway even if The Wild Stallion isn’t on it.
My favorites are Flicka, and Black Beauty. But I also like Moondance Alexander too!
i’ll have to watch some of these movies!
this article is the best and just to let you know i am obsessed with horses.
You forgot the newer movie “Ruffian” based on true story of the great racer who was never defeated until her last race in which she broke down. There has never been a match race since!
Best horse movie ever made – without a doubt- Seabiscuit (Hildebrandt version). I went out and rescueda race horse after seeing this film! Best decision I ever made.
I am very happy you made a list. There were movies I had forgotten that I found again because of it. I would move your #1 way down the list and add another movie or two instead… My top 5 would be … Hildago, Man from Snowy River, In Pursuit of Honor (a must have film), The Jack Bull, and even Zorro.
Come to think of it there are a couple other movies that most people dont think of as purely horse movies but they were great partly because of the horses – riding in them. Dances with Wolves, The Postman, Tombstone, and even many of the John Wayne/Clint movies had great horses & riding scenes.
Hope someone can help- I am looking for an old movie in which twin racehorses were born. One had a bad leg (or something) and the groom or caretaker was told to destroy it. The little girl begged the groom not to and she/they kept the colt hidden and it went on to be a great racer just like (or better than) it’s twin. Can’t remember the name and thought Mickey Rooney and/or Shirley Temple was in it but apparently not.
Cat Ballou; Lee Marvin’s horse gives a performance to remember.
I don’t see how the horse whisperer is not number one! ?
how could Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken not be on this list?!?!?! I must have watched it a hundred times as a child
i love the movie deamer! so much MY HORSE SHOW NAME
someone help me theirs a movie i watched as a child it was about a wild brumby and a young boy on a farm. Their was a scene where its raining and i think the father was going to shoot the horse but a mountain lion came down from the hills and he shot that instead. Ive been trying to think of this movie for years and my sisters dont remember i want my daughter to watch it i think it wouldve been in the 80’s it was old when i watched it early 90’s.
The Man From Snowy River is the best natural horse movie in the world, its a movie which is about the horses, not the actors… worlds cannot describe this movie. This also tells the story of the ‘cattleman of the Victoria High Country’ way of life in the 1800’s…
Hey Jackie, Australia, AL, believe it or not the movie your talking about is the original Flicka. Although, I think the full title is called My Friend Flicka. There is a part 2 and 3. Can’t recall the names right at this time, but if you email me, I have them on my comp. I can look them up for you.
another great horse movie is “The Long Shot” its about a woman who has to take care of her daughter after her husband leaves her alone at a hotel with no money no place to live and nothing to drive all she has is her horse.She then starts working for a woman who owns a horse stable and and she lets her live there too and a stall for her horse.The woman starts to enter drassage compatitions to make money.But unexpectedly her horse goes blind. But instead of putting him down she works with him and eventualy they enter a competition and win.Its a really great movie!
How about “the red stallion”… old.. filmed in 1947
The best movie ever is flicka 2! If you havn’t seen that movie you should as soon as posibal!
wild hearts cant be broken!!!
What about “virginia’s run?”
Its about endurance racing, and growing up.
I love it.
The Long Shot, a beautiful movie – the love of horses, in return love and trust of the horse, family and beautiful friends. The best movie!!!
The man from Snowy River should be number one!
what about Roy rodgers it isn’t a horse movie but it does have the smartest horse in movies
Most of your movies have horses in them but are not about horses. How about the original “Flicka”. That was a good movie about a horse.
Flicka is the best movie about horses i think. I like most of these movies but most arent really about horses. They should revises it to be the movies about horses.
Does anyone remember “The Horse with the Flying Tail”?
Does anyone remember a movie back in the 60s or 70s about a village boy who saves a golden paso fina from being put down and then shows him in an event and wins.
My favorite horse movie of all time is Black Beauty but Hidalgo takes a close second. I cry every time I watch them. There just that good.
ive seen all of those movies but my favriote is “Wild hearts Can’t Be Broken” its about Sonora Webster and the diving horses:)
hey has anyone ever seen racing strips?? check it out all!
Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken is a good movie too.
I just saw Wild Hearts Can’t be Broken–it’s a good one!
Does anyone know the name of the movie with a big,wild horse and a girl I think was a princess. It took place in kind of tropical local. The girl was told not to ride the horse, but of course she did and won a big race in the desert.
Wild Hearts Can’t be Broken, King of the Stallions, The Red Pony, Casey’s Shadow, Misty of Chincoteague, Justin Morgan Had a Horse, The Red Fury, Blue Fire Lady, Secretariat and Run, Appaloosa, Run should be added to the list.
I grew up in Germany and remember my favorite movie as a child was Gypsy Colt; the German title was Treue (Loyalty). A beautiful black horse is sold due to drought and finds his way back to the family farm, especially the young daughter. I wonder if it’s still available.
Misty of Chicoteaugue should defiantely be added… Its a wonderful book series and the movie tells the story quite well!
I’d add to the list the 1978 Native American coming-of-age story “Three Warriors”, starring Randy Quaid, Lois Red Elk & Christopher Lloyd. It’s a wonderful family picture beautifully filmed in Oregon.
Into the West by a longshot. Fabulous story, setting, and horse action. Magical!
I miss Cass Olé, best horse ever!!
I love any movie with horses.
only missing out on flicka 2, city slickers 1 and 2, moondance alexander. good list though
You totally forgot, ignored or are too young to be aware of these: Thunderhead, Green Grass of Wyoming and the really old Rex, the wonderhorse series.
I love the national velvet movie! great list.
I think “Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken” would be a worthy contender for this list. An excellent movie.
I think the movie Second Chances should be one this list. It is one of my favorites about a little girl,Sunny who is injured in a car wreck and she has to move. She discover a horse stable behind her new home and a cranky mare named Ginger that also has an injury and won’t let anyone get close to her but Sunny. Sunny eventually is able to ride Ginger and trains to barrel race.It is movie for everyone and anyone who loves horses. I used to play on Animal Planet.
I’m 13 and I still love to watch Spirit, that’s all my friends and I watchat sleepovers! The Black Stallion books and movies are great too!
I remember my whole childhood revolved around Black Beauty and when I was old enough to read I was so psyched to get the book! Even at sixteen I love all of these movies so much; I guess horse girls never actually grow up 🙂
These movies sure bring back memories. The old movies made a big impact on my choices of horses through the years. Saturday mornings were filled with series like Flick, Fury, Roy Rogers, and Sky King.
If anyone out there is old enough – do you remember a movie from the early ’60’s called “Snowfire”. About a little girl and a wild white stallion who saves her. Never have seen it on TV but a great story for the young horse lover to see.
what about the new secretariat movie.i think that should be the number 1# movie
Virginia’s Run should make that list. Its really good. Moondance Alexander is also a very good movie.
What about My Friend Flicka, and then her son Thunderhead??? both were timeless movies that i grew up watching and still enjoy?
Grew up on NATIONAL VELVET – great movie, great actors, regret it ruined Elizabeth Taylor’s physique when she stretched too much out of fear of not getting the part.
Wild Heart’s Can’t Be Broken ..
Fun list! I just read all the comments and only one other person mentioned ‘The Horse with the Flying Tail’. I loved it as a kid. ‘The Black Stallion’ and ‘Into the West’ were really wonderful.
The movie Virginia’s Run is a great horse movie the best I’ve seen. I think it should make it in to your top 30.
Add Flicka 2- I THOUGHT IT WAS A GREAT MOVIE! It’s not as sad as Flicka 1 and it’s very funny!
“Secretariat” and “Ruffian”
Yes add Secretariat at #1 and Ruffian as well
yah!!! secratariet should be number one by far!! iv been studying him for over five years and that movie was ligit!! also ruffian should be on there!!! but im glad phar lap and seabiscut!!!! im a die hard racing fan and a future jockey!!!
And what about misty of chincoteage!!!
Pharlap…the best!! The Black Stallion, fantastic scenes, great music, classic…The Electric Horseman…fantastic fun, great scenes with redford and the horse…Let It Ride…if you bet the ponies…you gotta see this!! Shergar…fail!! Secretariat…did not do the horse justice on any level whatsoever….where are Ruffian, the red pony, Misty, Spirit, flying colors….horses Rule!!!
You’ve left off Archer’s Adventure – the story of a stallion in Australia who was ridden over the mountains four years in a row to win the brand new Melbourne Cup four years in a row. Some of the details are quite fanciful, but the essence is true. Archer did exist and he did win the Melbourne Cup the first four years of its existence. (He was disqualified on the fourth.) And he was ridden over the mountains by a groom each time.
Phar Lap is an awesome movie!! I really need to find a copy to add to my collection.
National Velvet only #22?? My favorite horse movie!! 🙂
All the Pretty Horses is not about the horses it is about two young men and their escapade to Mexico, one falls for a welthy Mexican girl..gets into trouble with the father both end up in horrible Mexican Jail,escape and ………..blah blah blah scale of 1-10 “6”
I had to go through this list twice to make sure my eyes didn’t deceive me….no Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken???? That is one of my all time favorites. I am shocked.
Seriously – I agree PharLap is far better
than most on that list – sorry I even looked at it. Why not Ben Hur it has horses??? Ugh!
Don’t touch the Wild Horses, I live by the Outter Banks, I also think Long Shot is very inspirational, and Thicker Than Water. I was raised on Fury and My Friend Flicka!
I believe you have a great list but i disagree with some of them as far as their order. There was also another great movie that I have watched several times that never seems to be mentioned. The actor was Pat Boone and the movie was called “April Love”.
I remeber when I was 12 years old and living in Rochester NY. I fixed my breadfast and sit on the Sunday porch to eat I watched the greatest movie about a horse that I’ve ever seen, but it’s not on the list. The movie is ‘Thunderhead” with Rowdy McDowell. Love those wild stallion movies, the great Albino.
Not sure how the movie about the greatest horse in history, the only animal to be on the top 100 greatest athletes is not on here. Maybe they’ve never heard of Secretariat….
I think Secretariat should be on here.
My all time favorite In Pursuit Of Honor didn’t make the list. 🙁
Looking for the 1946 version original of Gallant Bess-black and white. Also Disney’s The Horse With the Flying Tail-story of Bill Steinkraus and the Olympics-no where to be found. Thanks
“The Rievers” has one of the best race sequences ever filmed. Not to mention the story line.
Phar Lap is an awesome movie. You can check out the step by step preservation of his body on the internet.
I love Dreamer! It is a great movie to watch with your BBF!
my all time favorite horse movie is spirit i have seen it so many times i can watch it and tell exactly what happens next !!
it is so awesome!!!!
why didn’t they include Second Chances.That movie is the best!
What about “Wild Hearts Can’t BE Broken”
I love the movie Spirit. Excellent story and great music.
Yeah, these are definitely the best horse movies. Black Beauty is amazing. So is Flicka and Dreamer.
What about Secretariat? It’s a great movie too!
Wild Horse Hank starring Linda Blair. As a kid, I must have watched that movie a hundred times! Best horse movie I’ve ever seen!
Wild Hearts Cant be Broken! Awesome horse movie.
Try “Lonely are the Brave” An excellent movie with Kirk Douglas and Whiskey. The horse upstages everyone.
Hey don’t forget the 2010 movie Secretariat. It’s a very good movie. I rate it 5 to 6 stars
I remember a movie I believe from the 1970’s about a girl who is trying to save horses going to be slaughtered. She steals the horses and drives them across a long stretch including the desert. She drives them to a nationa forest where they are protected. Do you know the name of the movie.
what about second chances
I am looking for a movie about the horse of army of eeuu. they want to kill the horses and some soldiers escape with them to canada. any one know the name of the film
I am looking for a movie about the horse of army of eeuu. they want to kill the horses and some soldiers escape with them to canada. any one know the name of the film
The movie you are looking for may be “In Pursuit of Honor”.
What about Secretariat? That was a really good movie!
My favorite is Secretariat, it should be on this list!(:
to dario las rosa of MA, the movie is called Pursuit of Honor and it is great starring Don Johnson
Probably the reason they don’t have Secretariat on here is because this is a pretty old list. Some of the comments are from 2008.
Where is Secretariat?
but there was another movie i thought was great . its called wind dancer. its about a paint. its about a girl who loses her legs and has to learn to take care of horses to speed up the recovery .having to deal witha wheel chair she discovers corage in saving her horse from being stolen and sold. and from a mountain lion. with the help of her dad her theripist, the owner of the ranch and a funny native american, and a little dog, BW,Black and white dog, BWD. what a thrill in this movie
and what about run free, young black stallion, misty
goooooooooooooooooood v_ goooood
Vieginia’s run-a 13 year old girl named virginia helps give birth to a horse that is not hers… and takes care of it for a neighbor. when the colt proves to be to much for the REAL owner he sells the horse. virginia is heart broken. will she ever see her beloved horse again?
Need to add Secretariat
Have to say you have missed to mention a great horse movie, Flicka 2, the sequal to the movie Flicka.
Just as beautifull and hartworming as the first one.
you must, must, must, must add the young black stallion. It about the the black stallion in Arabia, who’s mother is captured. Then a little girl saves the colt (the black) and trains him for the big the race to win back his mother.
You should add The Jack Bull with John Cusack to your list. It’s awesome. I cry everytime I watch it
The original “My Friend Flicka” far outdoes the remakes. Follow that up with “Thunderhead” and “Green Grass of Wyoming” and you have three of the best horse movies ever made.
Flicka and Flicka 2 best horse movies ever!
Hey they should totally add Secretariat! I love that movie!
what? hot to trot isnt on the list?
I love to watch SPIRIT! I think it is so cute,sad,and happy at the same time.
A few more great horse movies that are not as well known are Second Chances, All Roads Lead Home, The Winter Stallion, and Natalies Rose.
There are some great movies out there, we’ve been finding lots as we dont have regular tv and mostly watch videos. Our collection seems smaller everyday!! LOL!
dont forget wild hearts cant be broken. one of my favorites 🙂
Secretariot is also an amazing horse movie, my absolute favorite along with Flicka and Dreamer!
Don’t forget Young Black Stallion! One of my favorites!
Don’t forget “Misty” (of Chincoteague) – The movie is based on the novel Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry. Although this story is fiction – the island and pony swim still happen every year!
Secretariat is also a very good one.
Please help me find the name of an old black and white movie I cried my eyes out over way back in the 60’s? In it there was a young boy who wanted to race his horse and finally in the end he does and the horse wins only to suffer a heart attack and die. Please help if you can. Thank you
One of my fave “Equine” movies is “GUS”-its about a football playing donkey or mule, i cant remember which….
Hidalgo was the best horse movie I’ve ever seen until tonight. WAR HORSE is unbelievable. I could count the ways, but sometimes words diminish truth. Just see it.
War horse is the best horse movie next to black beauty and hidalgo! i love all three of them
War Horse, Second Chances, and Secretariat are my three top horse movies. They are the best ever! You should try to see them, they are AMAZING!
Spirit is also the top horse animated movie ever as well!
You should probably include Secretariat in your top 30 horse movie. In the category of Seabiscuit and Phar Lap.
I think Ruffian was one of the best movies as well as war horse but ruffian is my all star fav such tanacity and will power she had
War horse and seceretariat man they are the best!! and ruffian and seabuiscuit are great to! and every horse lover loves black beauty!
I would NOT vote for The Horse Whisperer. I thought it was awful. And the book was even worse. Seabiscuit and Secretariat are 2 of my favorites–also, Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken, and many from the distant past,such as The Red Stallion, Gallant Bess, Gypsy Colt, My Pal Trigger, Trigger, Jr., and Nico the Unicorn.
black beauty is not the best movie ever i watched it once and ill never watch it again its too sad
I think Ruffian should be number 1 and man from snowy river 2 and secretariat 3 and war horse was good!
loved BLACK BEAUTY and DANNY but my ultimate FAVORITE was ” THE MIRACLE OF THE WHITE STALLIONS”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you do not have the number one : smoky, with fess parker . now tha is good movie!!
In Pursuit of Honnor didn’t make this list? I’m just so sad to see that given it’s a movie based around the saving of horses the Army wanted killed when they were no longer needed!
My all time favorite horse movie is “Let it ride”. Anyone who is a degenerate horse player and spends a lot of time at the track or in the OTB’s can relate to every character in the film. Priceless!!!
Great article, but missed two from Disney
SECRETRIAT (Diane Lane,James Cromewell,John Malkevich, Scott Glenn, Margo Martindale)
JUSTIN MORGAN HAD A HORSE – The biography of the man who created the Morgan Horse. (Gary Crosby & Lana Wood)
Many of great movies on this!
these are really great movies on your list but i think that “Smokey” with Fess Parker should be in there too.
I found some of my favourite horse movies in there but I thought that you should totally have put in:
-The Horse Whisperer
-The Princess Stallion
-Blue Fire Lady and Ruffian!!! Those are ALWAYS the favourites!!!!!
the horse whisperer is number 15 sofia! =] but they should have included secratariet for sure! that movie was amazing! =]
There is one quite good movie about a pony called “RIDE A WILD PONY”. It is set in Australia and is about a palomino Welsh pony who is a bit of a rogue. The story is based on a battle over who truly owns the pony, a young boy from a poor family or a crippled girl. A GREAT MOVIE with great horse handling.
I also like many of the already mentioned movies… but “SYLVESTER” doesn’t get much mentioning. It is about a girl in Oklahoma who ends up with a stockyards gelding to train(played partially by The Grey Goose, who was an Olympics event horse) and goes on to compete him in the east at a Combined Event. Great movie too.
Flicka and Flicka 2 are the best! never seenn beter movie before! Cant wait for Flicka 3 to come out. Ficka will always be the best movie ever,i believe <3
Films about horses are such emotional movies due to more factors than I’m sure anyone wants to read. I also wanted to mention that Secretariat should have been included considering the depth of human vs. horse interaction the film goes into. Because I have a personal soft spot for horses, when I get home from a hard days work at Dish I relax to a nice film. Last night I watched National Velvet as it has always been one of my favorites. I frequent dishonline due to the quantity of older films on demand and newer films to rent. I have always been infatuated with the emotion and interaction I have with horses so movies about them are always a pleasure.
i love all your horse movies but i never saw sprirt
how come the movie “war horse” isnt there its a brilliant movie one of my fav
how come the movie Flicka 2 wasn’t there, it is an awesome as movie!!!!!!!!!???????????
what about “seceretariat” best ever true story that should be in first place !!!
what about “seceretariat” best ever true story that should be in first place !!!
If you have not seen “Into the West” please treat yourself to it as soon as you can. A great horse story and actors like Gabriel Byrne and Ellen Barkin. Gabriel Byrne called it the best screenplay he’d ever read.
i think spirit or seabisquit should be first ! ! ! ! !
“War Horse” should be on here!
I love horses they make my life. theses movies are amazing!!! im 16 and been riding since i was 3 and no matter what i will always be “Horse Crazy”
All the pretty horses is a movie that is NOT appropriate for young kids!
Secretariat is another amazing movie….it also should be on this list
the movies are awsome,i like it.
All movies are great but you need War Horse in there somewhere
Touching Wild Horses with Jane Seymor- is a must on ANY List of important horse movies.
I agree on adding Secretariat also- no list is complete with out it.
disagree with the list i think the absolute #1 film of all time stars and is about Gallant Bess#1 the smartest horse in the world who had a vocabulary of understanding of over 500 words equal in intelligence of a 8 yr old human child,another little known movie is #2 The Palamino
also on my list # 3 is Snowfire a great movie as well
How is Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken not on this list?!?!
you left out Justin Morgan Had a Horse and Ruffian
I really can´t understand why is that War horse is not in the list. It is one of the more remarkable horse movies made.
Where did War Horse go?
Okay so there is no way that the Man from Snowy River is number 20?!! Should be way higher on the list… actually I thought a lot of the order should have been reversed also where is Wild Hearts Cant be Broken? I did however discover a couple I havent seen yet, so thank for that 🙂
I saw a horse film I’ve never seen before called “Harley’s Hill”. It was very good. I enjoyed it!!
I’m wondering why “Secretariat” is not in this listing, as he was the greatest horse ever.
I do not agree with the lineup — neither Dreamer or Flicka should be above Man From Snowy River, Horse Whisperer, or Seabiscuit.
love this
Hi all, im wondering if anyone can help, ive been looking for a film for about 30 yrs, all i can remember of it is there are 2 main horses, for some reason 1 of the horses dies at the bottom of this hill, i think im mot sure. But i remember 1of the horses having a half moon shape on the brow band, i think it was a western but again im not sure. Please help its driving me crazy
How could you leave out “In Pursuit of Honor”, a true story of the rescue of the last US Cavalry horses? See if you recognize the human star.
I loved Miracle of the White Stallions! A must-see for a dressage fan!
You forgot to list “Buck” which has only been out a year or so, but is definitely one of the best horse movies I’ve seen.
Can’t remember if I mentioned “Buck” before, but I consider it rather brilliant. The other which is an even newer release is “Wild Horse, Wild Ride”, and it was amazing. I am going to buy it.
You didn’t have Flash on the list! It’s such a good movie too everyone should check it out!
who are you people?
You forgot about War Horse! And what about Secretariat?
i love love love love love love horses:):):):):):)
Secretariat and War Horse should have made this list!
The electric horseman is fantastic… top three with pharlap and the black stallion
I like the list….and agree with most of them…especially Sylvestor being number one…Seabiscuit ranks near the top, too. All the top 30 are top movies.
Secretariat should be #1 on the list. It’s a very uplifting movie that humanizes the horse. 100 times after you watch the movie, it’s still a great movie. The list is awesome but incomplete without Secretariat.
War horse and Dreamer. Both new and great horse movies.
Oops, I see Dreamer is on the list. I’ve seen almost all these movies. I need to see the rest!
King of the wind was one of my favorites as a kid. Good book and movie but not on either lists. 🙁
im looking for a specific movie and i dont know the name of it i can describe every seen in the movie…can someone help me if i do
based on a horse farm a young troubled girl is sent there…there is a black horse untrainable and the girl and the horse become friends and she is able to ride him…..major even in the movie they are going somewere with the horse and there is a bolder in the road the truck and the trailer roll down the side of the mountain the girl is hurt and unable to walk and the horse was hurt….ending is theres a fire in the barn were they have the horse in a harness the girl wheels her wheel chair in unhooks the horse and the hourse drags the girl out…
Jessica, you are thinking of the movie Dark Horse. I like that one too!
I’m surprised Secretariat isn’t on this list. I think Secretariat (Disney-2010) should be on this list. It is the absolute BEST horse movie EVER, especially the last racing scenes! Anyone seen it?
Secretariat, The horse that God built. Triple crown winner in 1973. Still holds the world track record set in 1973. He may be gone but never forgotten.
two versions of “smokey” 1st one with fred mcmurray and 2nd with fess parker
Snowfire Wild White Stallion 1958
“King of the Wind “story of “Sham” the first Godolphin Arabian
2 great disney movies “Stormy” and “Tonka”
Disney movie” The Horse With the Flying Tail” the true story of Injun Joe later named ” Nautilus ” jumpion jumping horse won the queens trophy!
Uh, did you forget ‘Mr. Ed’?
The Horse Whisper!!!!
Where is FUNNY CIDE ??!!!
Now THAT is a really motivational movie!
AND true story.
Wild hearts can’t be broken!!
What about My Friend Flicka and it’s sequel Thunderhead, Son of Flicka?
I think the movie “The Wild Stallion” should be added to the list. I’ve seen it and its really good, same goes for the movie “Wind Dancer”. It is a movie with a sad start but a fantastic ending.
Flicks 2 is another sequel to Flicka
searching for a horse film. commanche buffalo hunter
discovers the horse for the first time.hiding under a buffalo robe he springs onto the hosres back and learns to ride.brining the horse to his village the people are amazed at the new animal.
the path of the horse
Buck movie
are my favorites
* Wild Hearts can’t be broken
* Misty of Chincoteague
* War Horse (also a Broadway Play)
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is the best movie ever. I watched it so much that I have the story down and can sing the songs. Spirit can teach you so much like my favorite part when he’s on the train and sees his family in the blizzard and the song that goes with it Sound the Bugle. But then agin You Cant Take Me is awesome. So ya, Spirit can teach you lots of things like never giving up, always believe in yourself and have fun. because i have watched and talk about it my mom has forbidden me to watch it or talk about it. My friends also say Im quite annoying when I talk about them (the movie or hoses in general). Mom may have stopped me from watching it in the main room but hay whats a flatscreen in your room if your not going to watch any thing on it. I also have a habit of watching the movie on my laptop and listening to the sound Attract when in school. My friend says that Im most like rain stubborn and willing to die for the things I love.
So I have to say watch this awesome movie now!!!
Secretariat is also a good horse film 🙂
Man from snowy river!! Best all time horse film!!
Don’t know what channel this is on Dish Satellite. If I knew I could watch it and give a better comment/opinion.
Where is “Secretariat”?!!
Spirit stallion of the cimmaron is my favorite movie of all time
How about “Justin Morgan Had A Horse.” My favorite!
I love the romance about a horse trainer: Straight From the Heart
I was hoping to see the movie Hot to Trot with John Candy (I believe it is). Was a hilarious movie. Good list of movies though.
How could you forget “wild hearts can’t be broken”?
Secretariat! The best horse film of all time!
I remember going to matinees as a child to movie theaters every Saturday in the 60’s. Many of the movies were about horses . . . but I have no idea of the titles. None of the movies you have listed could be them. What could they possibly be? And of course there were movies with Roy Rogers and Tom Mix!
What about the movie “The Great Dan Patch” about one of the greatest harness horse racers of all time?
What about Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken!
u missed …”SECRETARIAT”
“In Pursuit of Honor”
The movie “dreamer” inspired me to continue to race horses,after my accident I was to scared to even get close to a horse, but once I saw this movie I was determined to get back I’m hoping that my big dream about entering in the “breeders cup” will come true, and me and my horse “shadow” will become history.
The movie “dreamer” inspired me to race my horse. After my accident I was to scared to even get near a horse! But once I saw this movie I was determined to get back on. Now I hope that me and my horse “shadow” will enter in the breeders cup soon,and me and my horse will become a legend
Yea you did miss secretariat! That movie was great!!
In Pursuit of Honor and Secretariat should definitely be on this list!
Phar lap was born in New Zealand horse but trained in Australia.
Great list
Gallant Bess . the best horse movie I have ever seen.
Secretariat is also an awesome movie!!!
Ride A Wild Pony
Hang Your Hat On The Wind
Moondance Alexander
The Long Shot
Virginia’s Run
Ride A Wild Pony
Hang Your Hat On The Wind
Moondance Alexander
The Long Shot
Virginia’s Run
Need to update: Revise to include, War Horse.
Return to Snowy River (the man from snowy river 2)is just as good as the first one, imo.
Phar Lap, Archer
Phar Lap, Archer
Iv been searching for a silver stallion blu ray for a year! Did they make a blu ray for it?
I can’t believe that “Secretariat” didn’t make the list. My heart pounds every time he makes the club house turn to win the Triple Crown.
i have been searching for a movie about a young colt whose mother was killed by a stallion while protecting her young and the boy who cared for the colt returns int the end as a man to find the colt as a full grown horse. i found it on amazon once but didn’t buy it and now i can’t find it. it’s for my dad. he saw it once but doesn’t know the name of it.i would really appreciate any assistance you could give me. thank you for your time.
Ron, we posted your question on our Facebook page, and several people suggested Running Free as the movie you’re describing. Does that sound right?
I think Gypsy Colt should be included!!
Another movie you should as is Virginia’s Run
Smoky the Cow Horse from the book by Will James was my fav. There were three of three movies made of it: with Victor Jory, another with Fred MacMurray and a third with Fess Parker- the first was the best but have not been able to find that version anywhere. I believe the Fess Parker version can still be found.
Where is “Secretariat” on this list?
Moondance Alexander way better than some of these movies
Great list, but there are 4 movies that aren’t on it that I would have put over some of the ones that are…
The Horsemen (1971) – starring Omar Sharif. It’s the story of tribal Afghanistan and the status they place on the horseback game of buskashi, a vicious form of polo dating back to Genghis Khan. Based on the book by Joseph Kessel.
Cristobalito; The Calypso Colt -Disney movie I saw this as a kid, and the song stuck with me, making sure i never forgot it. I spent decades trying to track this movie down. And now it’s been released.
Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken – starring Gabrielle Anwar as Sonora Webster, in this true story of a girl who defies the cards life deals her and forges her own destiny.
War Horse – brilliant movie about a brave and loyal steed.
Genghis Blues – a Documentary film about Paul Peña, a blind blues musician who learns Tuvan throat singing by listening to short wave radio. He is invited to travel to Tuva, a Mongolian land claimed by China, but untamable in the fierce freedom of its people, to compete in the National Throat Singing Competition. The prize for winning the contest? A Mongolian pony.
Great list, but there are 4 movies that aren’t on it that I would have put over some of the ones that are…
The Horsemen (1971) – starring Omar Sharif. It’s the story of tribal Afghanistan and the status they place on the horseback game of buskashi, a vicious form of polo dating back to Genghis Khan. Based on the book by Joseph Kessel.
Cristobalito; The Calypso Colt -Disney movie I saw this as a kid, and the song stuck with me, making sure i never forgot it. I spent decades trying to track this movie down. And now it’s been released.
Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken – starring Gabrielle Anwar as Sonora Webster, in this true story of a girl who defies the cards life deals her and forges her own destiny.
War Horse – brilliant movie about a brave and loyal steed.
Genghis Blues – a Documentary film about Paul Peña, a blind blues musician who learns Tuvan throat singing by listening to short wave radio. He is invited to travel to Tuva, a Mongolian land claimed by China, but untamable in the fierce freedom of its people, to compete in the National Throat Singing Competition. The prize for winning the contest? A Mongolian pony.
The Black Stallion was one of the best and certainly our families favorite. . I don’t see that up on the list. . such a shame .
I never get tired of watching movies about special horses like the Black Stallion and Hidalgo. Especially loved the horse who played in War Horse
and Sea Biscuit with Toby Maquire. I think the horse’s name was Farlan but not sure. Wonder if he is still living? Also like horse who played Flicka.
Would love to have several of these movies.
The film ’50 to 1′ about Kentucky Derby Winner MINE THAT BIRD was recently
acquired by Sony Pictures and was successfully released by Sony Pictures in over
65 countries. It’s initial reception by the viewers was outstanding and quite an inspiring piece of filmmaking. You can find out all sorts of info on their website at:
It’s one of my favorite horse films of all time!! Don’t miss it.
Thanks to Horse Channel for all they do, Merry Christmas.
I certainly hope that the incredible new film “Unbranded” will make the list here. It deserves it’s place – it’s as real as it gets.
I’ve been searching for a horse film think it might be western were a man tames a wild horse the horse then gets stolen and passed on the horse ends up with an old tat man who takes him out with a cart its either at a market or festival were the horse which is covered in dirt just makes out his old owner in the crowd does anyone have any idea the name of this film been searching al over internet and no luck ??
i have seen for the movie in which his father/grand father loses hores by betting on horse,a girl finds a black horse on hills and she will trained on that horse and participate in race bet on the horse in the race its self and won the race
Check out ’50 to 1′ when you do your next set of 30 best horse films.
The ratings are through the roof in over 75 countries and it’s been
growing since its initial release through Sony Pictures.
Enjoy your channel a lot, as do many of our friends.
Rebecca from hull
The movie is called smokey which starred fred mcmurrey that your searching for.
Storyville: The Horse Boy – about a young autistic boy whose parents take him to experience horses in the land where they originated, Mongolia. Amazing!
And Rupert Isaacson, the boy’s father, speaking at an Autism conference in 2014. Such a fun and charismatic speaker!
All of my favorite movies are on here. But the thing that I find a bit offensive, not to be mean though is the phar lap movie. Phar lap is a new zealand born horse and I know this because on my mums side, her grandparents if I remember right helped breed him be cause they were, still if I remember right across the road from them.
The only true part about Shergar is that the horse was stolen – everything in the movie after that is nonsense as no one knows what happened to him.
thought you might be interested in this 10 min short preview of a healing with horses and nature video: winner best director, full length documentary, Equus film festival:
I’ve been searching for a Disney film about a trotting horse that always broke pace in a race so was subsequently sold and trained up as a police horse only to (at the climax of the film) be on duty at a race meet when an accident occurs and his police rider is urginger him to a gallop to save the situation but cannot make him break from a trot…. finale is where he is returned to the trotting track and becomes a champion. Does anyone know the title of this film and where I may find it? I’ve been unsuccessful so far.
Does anyone know that one of the paint horses that was riden by Kevin Costner in the movie “Silverado” is the same paint horse riden by Cherokee Jack in the movie ” Return to Lonesome Dove” I thought that was pretty cool as the movies were made 8 years apart!
The trotters name is “Jolly Rogers” which is also the name of the Disney flick.
What about Secretariat? On a par with Seabiscuit.
What about the 1985 film called ‘Sylvester’ ?
I would think that the 1940 movie, “Florian” starring Robert Young would be included somewhere on the list.
I really enjoyed War Horse also.
Old movies are cool! I enjoyed watching “GLORY” “SNOWFIRE. Glory is about a Thoroughbred racehorse, and a young woman who believes in her potential. Kentucky is about a wealthy British family and their beautiful horses, and Snowfire is about a wild albino stallion that a little girl falls in love with. Isn’t that the way the story always goes?
I have been trying to find the name of a movie about a group of horses that was left by Spaniards on the coast (don’t remember exactly where) and one horse that encountered a Native American youth who tried to make friends with the horse. The action involved the youth trying to approach the horse and the horse at first resisting, then slowly warming up to the idea of the two becoming friends. Eventually, the horse allowed the boy to touch him, then get up on his back. After several tries in which the horse threw him, the boy was finally able to stay on the horse’s back. I don’t remember a single word being spoken throughout the whole movie, but it was very interesting. Only problem is, I saw it only once, years ago on TV, and didn’t catch the name of the movie. Can anyone help?