this is very good and horse coliced from a twist ( but it twisted 3 times around) and we almost lost him! thankfully now he is back into is normal condition
Your article was very informative and correct. Unfortunatley, I had to make decisions with regard to strangulating Lypoma in my 23yr. Palomino mare. I was able to watch the surgery while standing across from the surgeon and stroking "Belle's" side. Your description of events leading up to surgery were exact; wish I had known all of these before. Time is of great importance, but strangulation can occur within 20 minutes. Due to severity of damage, age, and recovery/quality of life complications; I made the "choice" to euthanize my "best friend". Great article!
I am giving a speech on colic and intestinal catastrophe so this is very helpful. It told me everything I needed to know and more that I can add. It is a Great article that has good info.
It's Kendra again. I also wanted to include that this aticle helped me save my horse when she got colic. Good article.
I am thankful for this information; I put a down payment on a horse yesterday and she is now enroute to a vet school where we believe she may require surgery, if she makes it there. I am trying to evaluate the decisions I am facing to prepare myself for what the vet finds when she arrives. This information was invaluable. Please hope for the best