This is a great article. Right now, I have a six-month-old colt that has something on his leg that looks exactly as it is described here. Thank you you so much! Now I know what to do if this happens!
Mud has been hard on my horses this lat spring/summer. The horses hooves looked horrible for a while.
I have read that if left untreated "scraches" or "grease heel" can leave the horse lame. Also this isnt just a mud problem. I have heard that horses can get "scraches" from tall grass cutting their pastern and then bacteria causing further issues. We dont have a lot of mud in our pasture and my horse has gotten pastern skin problems twice in the last few months.
My horse Dreamer's hooves were lookin a little rough but we had them trimmed and I have been grooming her and picking her hooves more and she is looking alot better. I LOVE this article thanks alot for the advice!
I learned a lot. Thank You for the article. I was putting my horses out during the day (half the pasture is mud the other half is dry or snow and ice yet)and a dry stall at night. I will make some changes. You saved my horses from a potential problem. Thank you again!!!
Thank you very much for this article on mud fever. I tried to explain this situation to a new inexperienced horse owner and he looked at me like I was crazy. Once I showed him this article, he was really grateful. Again, thank you very much.
My horse Savvy has had problems with fungus. I trimed his fetlock hair and have been picking it off then washing and treating it, it is slowly going away. But my pony is in an even muddier pasture and he hasn't got it at all and he has much much more hair around the legs. I think Savvy may have had it before I perchased him, but it got worse. It made his leg puffy and red from irritateing the skin, he also went lame. It's not under controll and he can be ridden any day ofthe week with no problem. But fungus is a PAIN to get rid of more so if you have moist pasture, my advice, check for moist almost creamy scabs, if you find any pick them off (it's ok if it hurts him a little and it's actually better if he bleeds a bit.) wash the whol leg VERY well, dry it off then apply some sort of cream remedy(repeat repeat repeat!) I have been useing desidine diper rash ointment and it's working wonders, whatever you do, don't just give up and say "oh it's fine now." keep on it till it's gone!