i have a great tip for fly control! maybe once or twice a week clean out your pasture of all poop flys are attracted to poop and cleaning the pastures will eliminate alot of flys!
One cheap fly trap is where you take a 2-liter bottle.Cut it off right above the label (if its a soda bottle) Turn the funnel upside down and staple it in there.(take off the lid) Put water and a little bit of soda in there. Done, cheap, easy and effective.
great tips and for petes sake you should have a fly mask and fly sheet and use the sprays so you have double action of controll on flies! Thats for sure! I have a horse who is sssssssssssssooooooooooooooo irritated that she stamps her hoofs and swishes her tail like you could not beleive and there are products for when your riding to help keep the flies away from you and your horse!
Great Tips!!! i use a fly sheet/summer sheet every year for my horses but now this year i going to use the spray , shampoo and fly mask plus the sheets!
Any one have ideas on how to keep flies from the horse. My horse is such a BIG baby and he complains if there is one fly on his legs...he stomps his foot and swishes his tail like you've never seen before. It's really hard to ride to when he is acting up. The person who had him before me globbed fly spray all over him when they rode. I can't afford to buy 10 bottles a week!! Any ideas