Thank you for your interest in submitting artwork to HORSE ILLUSTRATED. We hope that you find the following guidelines helpful. We use illustrations for human interest, humor or topics where photographs aren’t readily available. Samples should be relevant to our subject matter, depicting horses or other aspects of equestrian life. Color copies are convenient for us to review and keep on file. It is also helpful for us to know your rates (our basic pay scale is detailed below).
Address all correspondence to Holly Caccamise, Editor, HORSE ILLUSTRATED, PP.O. Box 3945 Laguna Hills, CA 92654. Enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for any material that needs to be returned, and please allow six to eight weeks for a response.
Occasionally we assign illustrations to freelance artists specific stories. For special assignments, we pay $100 for full-page B&W illustrations and $35 to $75 for smaller drawings. For color illustrations (always assigned), we pay $100 and up. Payment is made in the latter part of the cover month in which your artwork appears (i.e., if it appears in the November issue, you will receive your check in the latter part of November).
We require that all illustrations be exclusive submissions. We buy first-rights in the equine market, and one-time rights only; all other rights revert back to the artist.
We cannot assume responsibility for material submitted, but we assure you that reasonable care will be taken in handling your work. If you would like your work returned, PLEASE INCLUDE A SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE.
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I create digital cartoons. Is there a way to submit them electronically or do I need to make a hard copy to mail in my submission?
I create digital cartoons. Is there a way to submit them electronically or do I need to make a hard copy to mail in my submission?
I create digital cartoons. Is there a way to submit them electronically or do I need to make a hard copy to mail in my submission?
I create digital cartoons. Is there a way to submit them electronically or do I need to make a hard copy to mail in my submission?
I create digital cartoons. Is there a way to submit them electronically or do I need to make a hard copy to mail in my submission?