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ASPCA Right Horse Adoptable Horse of the Week: Brew
Welcome to Horse Illustrated’s weekly installment of the Right Horse Adoptable Horse of the Week, offered in partnership with the ASPCA's Right Horse program....
Botulism in Horses
Though you may not have thought much about it, botulism is a very real threat to the wellbeing of a horse. However, it is...
The State of Equine Nonprofits
Economically speaking, 2023 was a less than banner year for most Americans, and charitable organizations that rely on public donations to keep their operations...
ASPCA Right Horse Adoptable Horse of the Week: Nyssa
Welcome to Horse Illustrated’s weekly installment of the Right Horse Adoptable Horse of the Week, offered in partnership with the ASPCA's Right Horse program....
How the Nurse Mare Industry is Changing for the Better
The nurse mare industry has been a source of controversy over the years, but practices are changing—meaning a better outlook for orphan foals and...
Nutrition for Your Horse’s Temperament
You may have wondered if you can take the edge off an anxious horse or add pep to a lazy mount by changing his...
ASPCA Right Horse Adoptable Horse of the Week: Sunset Dragunn
Welcome to Horse Illustrated’s weekly installment of the Right Horse Adoptable Horse of the Week, offered in partnership with the ASPCA's Right Horse program....
Horse Ownership
Your Horse Insurance FAQs
Since 1992, Laura Connaway of Connaway and Associates Equine Insurance Services, Inc. has been working with her team to bring a personalized touch to the horse insurance market, offering...
Winter Horse Pasture Management 101
Depending on whether you and your horses live in Maine, Kentucky, Montana, or California, winter in each area manifests itself differently. Each region has unique patterns; winter pastures in...
Emergency and Natural Disaster Preparedness with Horses
Each year, hurricanes, wildfires, and severe storms force thousands across the country to evacuate their homes. When preparing for a potential natural disaster, it is best to follow the...
A Horse Owner’s Most Difficult Decisions
Making difficult care decisions for a horse that has been closer to us than many family members can be traumatizing for a horse owner. Even when we put aside...
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