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Featured Video: The Equestrians of Compton
Kids from the city of Compton get to experience a bit of agricultural life and equestrian competition thanks to an innovative program.
Your input is needed for the AHP Equine Industry Survey
American horse owners are being asked to participate in the fourth American Horse Publications Equine Industry Survey.
Fit Rider: Barn Aisle Workout
Incorporate these moves into your daily chores to stay fit this winter.
Breed Profile: Belgian Draft Horse
This popular heavy horse has a solid work ethic and a friendly heart.
Ask the Vet: Do stallions have more teeth than mares?
The number of teeth a horse has can vary quite a bit between individuals.
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The Near Side: Resolving to Ride Better
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It can not be stressed enough that a person should not own or care for horses unless they have the desire and resources to care for as they should be cared for.
The topic of animal abuse/neglect is a difficult one, but definately one that is worthy of more attention and publicity. It happens much too often. Education alone isn’t making much of a dent. Stiffer penalties, fines, & jail time are needed. Quicker response times are needed by Animal Control Departments. Thank you for the article – it was a good one. Please continue to post these types of articles.
The history of civilized man was written from the back of a horse. Where you find the footprints of man, you will find the prints of a horse’s hooves beside them. How anyone can treat these most noble of God’s creatures in such a manner is both disgusting and criminal.
You know, I’m usually not a big animal rights advocate, but the situation described here is aptly named: abominable. Wow…that’s just sick. I’m glad that man is getting what he deserves, and that those horses are in a good home.
Anyone who would contribute to the starvation of animals should be prosecuted beyond the limits set by law THERE IS NO EXCUSE
I can’t believe this guy was set free on bail. He should be locked up and starved, and forced to drink water with decompsing cockroaches in it! After 3 months he should be publicly hung in front of the Humane Society with full television coverage, of course.
they should do that to him,,,,,,,,,,,
It is not surprising to me that this man was set free after a few hours. Like most law officials think it was only horses, well people, most of the time felons are set free after a few hours when it is children too. So we live in a country where children and just animals can be starved and beaten, and it’s “okay”. Just get off with a slap on the hand.
I can’t believe the authorities let this man keep ANY of his animals, just because they’re not “in danger of starvation.” Well — NOT YET! With several animals already yet and others in the process of dying, how can anyone expect this guy to take care of anything alive? I’m disgusted — I think someone like that has forfeitted the right to care for anything alive!!!
That is just horrible. I am glad that the guy turned himself in, but it should have been done a long time a go.
i maybe 15 but, that has to be one of the saddest things i have EVER heard. if i could have… i would have taken those horses in. if people knew how to properly care for there animals, we might not have these sort of problems. and if you can care for an animal the right way… don’t bother haveing one. no living thing, be it a dog, cat or even a human, deserves that. if you ever see any sign of abuse or neglect… don’t hesatate to tell the proper athorities. if we all do something, big or small, we can make a differnce in the world and stop abuse. we can even prevent another death of an innocent animal, young or old. and may there NEVER be another horse who has to go through what those horses did ever again. as for gilchrist… he shouldn’t have been able to get out that easily.
comment fixed… sorry for the error on the first one sent from me. 🙂
i maybe 15 but, that has to be one of the saddest things i have EVER heard. if i could have… i would have taken those horses in. if people knew how to properly care for there animals, we might not have these sort of problems. and if you can’t care for an animal the right way… don’t bother haveing one. no living thing, be it a dog, cat or even a human, deserves that. if you ever see any sign of abuse or neglect… don’t hesatate to tell the proper athorities. if we all do something, big or small, we can make a differnce in the world and stop abuse. we can even prevent another death of an innocent animal, young or old. and may there NEVER be another horse who has to go through what those horses did ever again. as for gilchrist… he shouldn’t have been able to get out that easily.
I hope this guy is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law plus liable for all costs incurred by the rescue center. Maybe if more of these people were really truly held accountable some of this abuse would stop.