The Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA), which certifies instructors and trail guides, accredits equestrian facilities and provides support and educational resources, has announced a partnership with Bitless Bridle.
“We gave Bitless Bridle a try on several school horses, from beginner to advanced, and found that all horses worked well and stayed in control, the same as if they had a bit in their mouths, says CHA Program Director Julie Goodnight.
Bitless Bridle founder Robert Cook, DVM, believes that by encouraging riders to rely less on hands and more on seat and legs, their riding skills are improved. “This, and the absence of bit-induced resistances on the part of the horse, promote rider confidence and facilitate faster progress in the art of equitation,” Cook says.
For more information about Bitless Bridle, visit
For more information on the Certified Horsemanship Association, visit
this bridle is incredible! My stallion is going to be trained in this bridle.