What to do with Wet Tack

How to take care of your leather tack to avoid water damage after exposure to rain.


Riding a horse in the rain

Have you been caught riding in the rain? Before you panic, there are ways to save your leather bridle and saddle even if they’re dotted with rain drops or soaked from a downpour.

  1. First, take a soft, dry cloth and wipe away any excess water. This will also allow your rub rag to remove any grime and sweat you’ve neglected to address before.
  2. Next, let your tack dry. Do not run a hair dryer over your damp leather or put it in a low-temperature oven. Both dry the leather too quickly and rob it further of its natural oils.
  3. When it’s close to being thoroughly dry—in other words, you can’t wring rainwater out of your reins—then apply a leather conditioner specifically designed to re-instill nutritious oils and to prevent mold and mildew. You want to make sure you are eliminating the chance that your once lovely tack will soon be sporting a fuzzy film of leather rot.
  4. Finally, hang your tack in a dry place with a mild temperature. That could be your tackroom or the inside of your house. By taking care of your tack during inclement weather, you’ll be sure to have safe equipment come spring time.


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