HorseChannel Newswire


Horse slaughter halted at DeKalb plant
The line of horses stepping toward their slaughter at a DeKalb plant came to an abrupt halt on Thursday after a federal court order that horse lovers and animal rights advocates hope may mark the end of the controversial practice of killing American horses to ship their meat overseas, from the Chicago Tribune. Read more >>

Watershed group wants halt to Wild Horse CRM
A private, Idaho-based environmental and conservation group has served notice to the state that it will file a lawsuit under the federal Endangered Species Act to halt the implementation of the Wild Horse Coordinated Resource Management Project set to begin this year east of Ellensburg, from the Daily Record. Read more>>
Horse lover helps amigo in Mexico
Sherry McDaniels’ love for horses knows no boundaries. Like many horse lovers, McDaniels is drawn to the animals, from Read more>>


  1. Sherry McDonalds article. It is truly inspiring to here of what others do to aid the horse community. Would love to see more articles on horse people who do such thoughtful acts of kindness to other horsepeople. Thanks for the article.


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