Equine Welfare
Keeneland and Turfway Ban Toe Grabs
Officials at Keeneland and Turfway Park announced July 17 a new shoe policy banning the use of toe grabs, from BloodHorse. Read more >>
Animal rights group targets popular rodeo
Critics say steer roping is cruel, as are shock devices to make horses buck, from MSNBC. Read more >>
Second vet worker contracts Hendra Virus
A second Redland, Australia, resident has tested positive to the Hendra Virus following last week’s outbreak at the Redlands Veterinary Clinic, from The Redland Times. Read more >>
Human Interest
Horse Park applies for specialty license plate
The Florida Horse Park is willing to gamble on Marion County’s love for horses to the tune of $100,000, from Ocala.com. Read more >>
Bronze horse statue swiped in Cherry Hill
Cherry Hill, Pa., police are calling scrap-metal dealers after a 12-foot bronze race horse was stolen in the last week, from ABC Local. Read more >>
Public Poll Regarding Horse of the Year Gets 10,000 Votes in Less Than 48 Hours
In less than 48 hours, nearly 10,000 people have cast their vote on a question that asks “Where should Curlin go next?” from Yahoo. Read more >>
After growing up horsey, Nancy still held on to her identity as a “horse girl” even when she hadn’t ridden…
Welcome to Barn Banter, the official podcast of Horse Illustrated. In Barn Banter episode 29, hosts Susan Friedland and Horse Illustrated…
The nurse mare industry has been a source of controversy over the years, but practices are changing—meaning a better outlook…
Horse ownership comes with incredible rewards: the thrill of a pleasure ride, the camaraderie of competition, and the deep bond…
By tapping the power of neuroscience and the miracle of brain plasticity, spending just a few minutes a day practicing…
The U.S. horse slaughter industry is as hot-button an issue as there is. Find out where current legislation stands with…