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Categories: Horse News

Horse Slaughter Bill to be voted on by the House Judiciary Committee

According to the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), a non-profit charitable organization that supports equine welfare, the House Judiciary Committee will vote on the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act (H.R. 6598) on Wednesday, September 10th. The bill, which was introduced in July by Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) and Representative Dan Burton (R-IN), will criminalize the slaughter of American horses if passed.

The AWI sent out an action alert on Sept. 7 urging concerned citizens to call and/or email members of the House Judiciary Committee and ask them “to support passage of the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act (H.R. 6598) out of committee as introduced, with NO amendments.” The AWI is also urging people to ask House Judiciary members “to cosponsor H.R. 6598 if they haven’t done so already.” 

Whether you contact House Judiciary members by phone or email, provide your name and mailing address, and if you are a constituent, request a response on this specific issue.

According to AWI, every five minutes an American horse is slaughtered for human consumption abroad. Despite the closure of the U.S.’s three remaining horse slaughter plants in 2007, tens of thousands of American horses continue to be slaughtered in Canada and Mexico in the absence of a strong law prohibiting the trade. Passage of the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act would make it illegal to ship American horses to these countries for slaughter.

For more information, including contact information for House Judiciary members, visit /redirect.php?

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  • I am not for usable horses being slaughtered. However, I do feel that the slaughter market provides a valuable balance in the vitality of a healthy horse market. Animals that are crippled or permanently lame that cannot be made comfortable by expensive medications deserve to be euthansized. To me, it is considered abuse and neglect to allow these horses to remain in the constant state of pain and discomfort. Neglect and abuse have only risen since the closing of the slaughter houses and the fall of the economy. Until people can better afford to financially care for themselves, the rise of abuse and neglect towards horses, and other animals at that, will only continue. I'm tired of people only looking at the issue from one stand point! Because we, as Amerian's do not agree with the consumption of horse, does not mean me have the right to deprive others of it. Look at the outcome of the removal of the slaughter market has had on the horse community in a's essentially destorying it. The issue of the slaughter markets is not one to take lightly; however, it is one that needs to be treated with the utmost importance to understand its value to keeping the market evenly balanced.

  • I am an American Horse lover and have been fighting agains Horse Slaughter for a long time. I hope it ends soon

  • I really hope this gets passes and will definatly help if I can. Horse slauter is cruel! If you can't take care of a horse then you sell or give him to someone that could take care of him, not send him to be slautered. If the horse is already dying or needs to be put down then you humanely put them to sleep. If you don't have enough money to do so then I'm sure your vet or a friend will help you out so that you don't have to send him to the Horse Slauter. It's cruel and inhumane and should be put to a stop!

  • I want to see Horse SLaughter continued in the US so that we can get rid of the junk and ruined horses that people are creating by trying to train them themselves and by breeding unecessarily. As a trainer, I am having to deal with way too many ruined horses that are ruined and dangerous because of stupid inexperienced horse people.

  • Horse slaughter is unimaginable cruelty from the auction ,the transportation to Mexico and Canada, until they draw their last terror filled breath.
    America's horses must be protected.Then we must all work together to provide homes...shelter,food,water,vet,and when the time comes "a good death". Lets get HR 6598 passed immediately !!

  • Ending slaughter for human consumption is the only way to stop the nonfeeling criminals who care for nothing but the dollar. They are not worried about over-population of unwanted horses. If this barbaric practice is legalized, I am afraid there will be more unethical breeders and killers causing this un-American process to escalate. Do we really want to see pastures of beautiful horses raised for slaughter? may be St. Bernard dogs raised for meat they are in China!

  • The slaughter of any animail is not a sight to behold. What then is going to happen to the injured and starving horses that we have. I can only manage what horses I own.
    In my area you can't give away a horse and there is limited hay. So what is going to happen to these horse that is unwanted?
    Their are alot of unanswered questions.

  • Horse slaughter is an abomination. I sincerely hope that they finally pass a bill that makes it a criminal offense and that it has some teeth to it. It's past due for the horse slaughter industry to come to an end. People need to own responsibly and breeders need to adjust their breeding practices to the market instead of mass producing and throwing away the leftovers. This isn't Kmart and horses are not the "blue light special". The economy is down and being a responsible owner should be the priority before even considering owning a horse, a dog, a cat or any other animal. One needs to make a commitment to the animal.. they are living, breathing, feeling creatures, not inatimate objects like a car, boat or motorcycle. It's about time that America stood up and voted for compassion rather than to continue to allow big business to run over us like they have been for so many years.

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