I definatly think that they should try and preserve as many wild horses as possible. They don't deserve to die just cause we can't make enough room for them. That's the peoples fault not theirs.
I agree--Mustangs shouldnt be killed becasue we cant make room!!! Wat will happen when they are endangered?!?! They'll wish they hadnt killed em off!
I think that they should open more land,or they should euthanize the ones that SHOULD be...the ones with Neurological problems etc.,and ones that can't be adopted....that's the only thing that'll work...it really is!
They're already endangered and it is unconscionable to slaughter our heritage. Their land shouldn't have been stolen. More land is the answer. And give the rest of them to me.
Those horses were here before those cities and ranchers where. They are a symbol of America and it would be a shame to euthanize them all or allow them to become endangered.
This is just one of the negative side efects of the slaughter ban. It will get worse with the over population of domestic horses. We must use reason not emotion for important decisions.
I think that it is very cruel and in human to euthonize the wild horses our goverment has already took almost all of there land our senators and congress should get busy and find more land in our states for these horses.And by the way where is PETA they should be protesting this.