2012 Olympics
GREENWICH: David Starkey says Olympics will damage park
Outspoken historian David Starkey has thrown his weight behind a campaign to stop Greenwich Park being used as an Olympic venue. From This is Local London. Read more >>
Equestrian Sport
USET Foundation Honors Olympians and Special Award Winners
The United States Equestrian Team (USET) Foundation Board of Trustees hosted a cocktail reception on Friday, January 30, 2009, to honor the 2008 Olympians and the recipients of the Foundations’ Gold Medal Club Anniversary Awards, the Lionel Guerrand-Hermes Trophy, and the Whitney Stone Cup. From USET. Read more >>
In Other News
Super Bowl Viewers Say ‘Budweiser Horse Circus’ Ad is MVP Among Ads
Results of a national study conducted among Super Bowl viewers last night revealed that the Budweiser Horse Circus ad was selected as the number one ad of Super Bowl XLIII. From HCD Research. Read more >>
3 Arrested In Ybor On Charges Of Striking Police Horses
Three people accused of hitting police horses were rounded up by mounted patrol officers Saturday night in Ybor City. From Tampa Bay Online. Read more >>
Therapist Using Horses to Treat PTSD
An individual may look healthy physically, but it’s possible that, even without any physical manifestations, stress and traumatic experiences can take their toll on both humans and horses. From Military.com. Read more >>
Coldwater man chronicles Civil War hero horse
A horse is a horse, of course. But as anyone with any knowledge of equines knows, there are, and have been exceptional horses, such as the late, great Old Sam of Coldwater, a hero of the Civil War. From Chicago Tribune. Read more >>
First Saddlebred Stallion Service Auctions of 2009 Weather Economic Downturn
Despite a tumultuous economy, the first Stallion Service Auctions of the new year started on a high note, as American Saddlebred enthusiasts from across the country came together in Wisconsin and Kentucky in support of the breed. From Performance Horse Registry. Read more >>
After growing up horsey, Nancy still held on to her identity as a “horse girl” even when she hadn’t ridden…
Welcome to Barn Banter, the official podcast of Horse Illustrated. In Barn Banter episode 29, hosts Susan Friedland and Horse Illustrated…
The nurse mare industry has been a source of controversy over the years, but practices are changing—meaning a better outlook…
Horse ownership comes with incredible rewards: the thrill of a pleasure ride, the camaraderie of competition, and the deep bond…
By tapping the power of neuroscience and the miracle of brain plasticity, spending just a few minutes a day practicing…
The U.S. horse slaughter industry is as hot-button an issue as there is. Find out where current legislation stands with…