I feel so bad for them! I wonder how much it hurts & how scared you can be when you walk into the stable & find your horse missing with no trace of where or how she went. Theres always gonna be that "what if" feeling & theres this wrenching gut feeling that never goes away. You never know if your gonna see them again & there all you think about. You think you see & hear them all the time & you search night & day. I really hope they can find her safe & sound. How could anyone want to steal a horse away from its loving owners & home?
It take a sick person to do this especially when there are so many "free" horses out there or running loose w/o a home.
So many people confuse the two totally separate issues of stealing horses and dropping them off. It is like two different camps motivated by entirely different needs. Please take the time to help Susan Frink by posting a flyer in your area and then by sending this story to your friends. Don't forget to protect your horses and equipment with ID and farm signs. You can find them at Stolen Horse International. If you have any questions or concerns, we would love to hear them. FYI: Another stolen horse was recovered this morning in MI. Sign up to get our alerts and newsletter to learn more about what is really going on in the horse world concerning theft, missing horses and disaster related situations.
Thank you for helping on the Stolen Horse. It is a Big Problem that is not being addressed. Please continue helping us where it (hurts) helps.
Thank you so very much for doing this story, a lot of people don't realize that horse theft occurs often in this day and age. As the owner of a horse rescue, we always check any new horses being donated to us against those that have been reporeted missing and i think stolen horse international provides a wonderful service!! I wish there was more media coverage, the more people who know, the more people who might just happen across a missing horse...thanks again for doing this piece.
Netposse-THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO!!! HorseChannel, thank you so much for the attention! This type of media coverage is another reason why I LOVE HORSECHANNEL.COM!