Celebrate National Mule Day


Mule foalOne of the lesser-known annual observances that may not have made it on to your calendar is National Mule Day. October 26 is the date designated to celebrate these unique hybrid animals.

Mules are the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse and are more common than hinnies, the offspring of female donkeys and male horses. Because donkeys and horses are actually different species with a different number of chromosomes, their offspring are nearly always sterile.

The size of a mule is largely dependent upon the size of its mother. All kinds of horses are used to breed mules, and draft horses are a popular cross to create heavyweight mules. Today, breeders create designer mules using pinto or Appaloosa horses. Gaited horses often produce gaited mules.

Mules are valued for bringing the best characteristics of horses and donkeys into one animal. They are said to be stronger, smarter and have better endurance than either of their parents and because of these characteristics, they are still valued work animals. In recent years, they have even been used by the United States military to transport equipment in mountainous regions of Afghanistan.

Mule enthusiasts have adapted to a changing equine market, and mules are used as companions and pleasure riding animals. They can be found under saddle and in harness at horse shows and out on the trails.

Make sure you don’t miss any important animal holidays. See the full listing here


  1. Thank yo this is just the info I was looking for . We are an Assisted Living facility in Nebraska and have Mules coming to visit us today. So I wanted something to read to the residents as part of the program

  2. Dear Horse Channel dot Com, We, the mules at Lake Nowhere Mule and Donkey Farm, thank you so much for reminding humans about this National Day of Mule Appreciation! People are so confused about mules, but we are strong, sweet, intelligent, willing and our human says that we are more canine than equine! Thanks again:-)

  3. Your editorial is moderately out of date. As Trail Boss for 26 years and avid trailrider, I can safely say mules have become the equine of choice. Riders with their mules, from Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Arizona are flocking to the mountains in Wyoming, Arkansas and Colorado for beautiful and safe riding.
    My mule Miss Kitty and I hope to see you on the trails!

  4. I have been a horse person my whole life…lol really since before I even knew I was…lol still love my horses but I got my first mule given to me 4 years ago…was not looking… I will never ride anything else again…I love my mule…she take great care of me and we have bonded like crazy! Love you Ms. Julie …my awesome mule! ??????


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