After becoming aware of the wild horses’ plight, billionaire philanthropist Madeleine Pickens stepped up with a plan to move Mustangs from BLM holding to eco-sanctuaries. Under Pickens’s plan, horses would be allowed to roam in a relatively natural state, but the sanctuary would be open to visitors wishing to learn more about wild horses.
The plan has remained fairly stagnant since Pickens first proposed it in 2008. On September 16, 2010, Pickens announced that the BLM had agreed to support a pilot program for the wild horse eco-sanctuary.
“We are so thankful for the opportunity to start our pilot program with 1,000 horses, and we aim to get all 36,000+ horses in holding soon after,” Pickens said on her website. “Saving America’s Mustangs gives our sincerest thanks for the monumental cooperation on the part of the BLM for an alternative to the holding pens.”
If Pickens’s plan is successful, it will help alleviate the problem of too many Mustangs in captivity with too few potential adopters. However, wild horse advocates are still working to end the BLM’s wild horse gathers, claiming that the horses should be left to live on the western rangeland without interference. The BLM counters that ending the gathers isn’t an option as the herds can double in size every four years and the ecosystem cannot maintain such an overpopulation.
For more information on Madeleine Pickens and her plan for wild horses, visit
For more information on the BLM’s wild horse and burro program, visit
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View Comments
I'm glad to hear that this sactuary is getting opened for some of them..I hope a solution is found soon for all the rest of the ones in the holding pen.
Good luck! Glad something is finally happening about this.
i've always wanted to adopt a burro or mustang...maybe some day
Interesting article
I'm glad to see that at least some of those poor horse are getting out of hell. I went to a sale/adoption with a friend. My domestic horses live in a mor ewild state than they do. I had to leave.
I am so thankful for Madeleine, for doing such a courageous deed for our horses. I believe she is their gaurdian angel. And I cant wait to go see the sanctuary, it will be one of my most rewarding things to go see. And thank you BLM for supporting her.
Why don't cattle ranchers adopt burros? I have heard they make great protectors of livestock from wolves and such.......It could be one great solution to these continuous roundups, of at least the burros.
These horses are on Federal, PUBLIC lands that Congress gave to the horses years and years ago. The cattle barons want to shove everything but their cattle. Secretary Ken Slaughter should do his job and protect the horses instead of his cattle rancher friends.
Awesome Tool of God Madeleine Pickins is.. ANd everyone that helped her...... she never gave up .. Alleuia the horses will be able to run free and wild LIke God intented...........
Indeed, it is proofen that burros make great protectors from wolfes.
I "love" the comment in this articel what BLM sais again: Overpopulation (!)of the horses...but cows are not overpopulated right? But I would like to thank Madeleine and all the others who are/were involved to reach this. Thanks again.