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TV Schedule for 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games Now Available

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If you can’t come to the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, you can have the next best thing. NBC, Universal Sports and the USEF will be broadcasting coverage on TV and online. Below you’ll find the full schedule of World Equestrian Games coverage.

For more information:

9/25Team ReiningNoon-1:30pm EDT (Live)
2:00-4:30pm EDT (Live)
9/25Opening Ceremonies7:00-10:00pm EDT (Live)
9/26Team Reining7:30-10:00am EDT (Live)
11:00am-2:00pm EDT
9/26Team Reining (Live)
Opening Ceremonies(Recorded)
Noon-1:30pm EDTNBC
9/27team Dressage8:30am-12:00pm EDT (Live)
2:00-6:00pm EDT (Live)
9/27Endurance Medal Ceremony10:30am-11:00am EDT (Live)
9/27Team Reining11:00am-12:30pm EDT (Recorded)NBC
9/28Team Dressage8:30-12:00 EDT (Live)
2:00-6:00pm EDT (Live)
9/28Reining Ind. Qualifier9:00am-noon EDT (Live)
9/29Team Dressage10:00am-12:30pm (Live)
2:30-5:15pm EDT (Live)
9/30Eventing Dressage9:00-11:30am (Live)
1:30-4:00pm EDT(Live)
9/30Reining Ind. Final1:00-3:30 EDT(Live)
9/30Reining Freestyle6:00-9:00pm EDT(Live)
10/1Eventing Dressage8:30-11:00am EDT (Live)
1:00-3:30pm EDT
10/1Dressage Freestyle7:00-11:00pm EDT (Live)
10/2Eventing Cross-Country9:00am-4:00pm EDT (Live)
10/3Eventing Stadium Jumping1:00-4:45pm
10/3Eventing Stadium Jumping (Live)
Eventing Cross-Country (Recorded)
1:00-4:00pm EDTNBC
10/3Freestyle Dressage
Reining Individual
4:00-6:00pm EDT (Recorded)NBC
10/4Show Jumping10:00am-12:30pm EDT (Live)
2:30-5:00pm EDT (Live)
Universal Sports
10/5Show Jumping10:00am-12:30pm EDT (Live)
2:30-5:00pm (Live)
Universal Sports
10/6Vaulting Compulsory Team8:30-11:30am EDT (Live)
10/6Vaulting Compulsory Ind12:30-6:00pm EDT (Live)
10/6Show Jumping Final7:00-9:30pm EDT (Live)Universal Sports
10/7Driving Dressage9:00am-Noon EDT (Live)
2:00-5:00pm EDT (Live)
10/7Vaulting Freestyle Ind1:00-5:00pm EDT (Live)
10/7Eventing Final11:30am-2:30pm (recorded)Universal Sports
10/7Dressage Freestyle
2:30-4:30pm (recorded)Universal Sports
10/8Driving Dressage9:00am-Noon EDT (Live)
2:00-5:00pm EDT (Live)
10/8Vaulting Compulsory Ind12:30-3:00 EDT (Live))
10/8Vaulting Team Freestyle4:00-6:30 EDT (Live))
10/8Show Jumping Ind. Final5:30-7:00pm EDT(Live)Universal Sports
10/8Show Jumping Medal Ceremony7:30-9:00pm EDT(Live)Universal Sports
10/9Driving Marathon10:00am-4:30pm EDT (Live)
10/9Vaulting Freestyle and Medals2:30-5:30pm EDT (Live)
10/9Show Jumping Final Four8:00-9:30pm EDT (Live)Universal Sports
10/10Driving Cones10:00am-2:30pm EDT (Live)
10/10Vaulting Freestyle & Medals11:00am-1:30pm EDT (Live)
10/10Show Jumping; Vaulting
Driving; Closing Ceremonies
4:00-6:00pm (recorded)NBC
10/11Show Jumping; Vaulting
Driving; Closing Ceremonies
11:30am-1:30pm EDT(recorded)Universal Sports
10/14Driving Finals6:00-7:00pm EDT (Recorded)Universal Sports
10/15Vaulting Finals6:00-7:00pm (recorded)Universal Sports

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View Comments

  • Thanks, excellent website mastery by your webmasters and putting out the RIGHT USEFUL information.
    To your and I will add the obvious other source for video
    Would you believe the local NBC affiliate HERE in Lexington covered the opening ceremonies by INTERVIEWING the "super-hyperbolically-lauded-worshiped" University of Kentucky basketball coach The coach participated in the opening ceremonies, big wup, so of course they broadcast basketball video and talked basketball with the coach more than COVERING and showing the freaking Equine Opening ceremonies. Sheesh, college basketball season is still months away. "Horse Capital of the World" A$$. The only thing bigger than guns "GOD" and fundamentalism and too many churches around here is basketball worship and American Football. To any visitors "here", be a tourist, visit the area, every ten years the beauty and countryside is more of a shadow of its former greatness. See it before more is paved over with malls and big box un-needed addtional shopping centers, suburban sprawl and low density housing. If you drive on Man-O-War, realize the road although named after the famous stallion actually caused his grave to be moved and the road to necessarily cut through horse farms for the reason of "not affecting possible future parking lot expansion" which might be needed some day in the distant future at the overbuilt over fed-funded local airport. If you visit the monstrosity of Hamburg Shopping center, consider not buying anything and think about all those acres of pavement and ugly big box stores, built not many years ago on top of what once was one of the largest prime horse farms of Fayette county. But of course the heiress/owner always did like partying and shopping in New York City more than running a thoroughbred horse farm. I suppose a trend world wide, where tourists often appreciate an area more than the "locals" who are blind to what they have(or used to have in this case) and don't fight those who continue to profit by destroying it.

  • It's sad that more coverage is not available on a network or satellite TV channel. Definitely looking forward to Sunday's coverage.

  • To P in Lexington KY- Thank you so much fir your comment. It is so refreshing to hear someone besides myself speak with such conviction and passion. I cannot agree with you more on all counts. It is a shame that so many people in our country are so quick and so willing to rape the natural beauty of an area to gain profit. While many find basketball and football worthy of worship even willing to overlook the lack of moral fiber in many of the sports participants, real athletes go over looked like those in the various equine disciplines. I have never heard of rape allegations or dog fight rings in equine sports. Thank you for speaking your mind and helping to restore at least some of my faith in this materialistc, shallow and morally devoid society.

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