Win new riding apparel in Troxel’s photo contest


Riding adventuresTroxel LLC, the worldwide leader in ASTM/SEI-certified equestrian helmets, announces the “Share Your Adventure” Photo Contest, running exclusively on the Troxel Helmets Facebook page, now through March 31, 2011, with prizes totaling $500 from Troxel and Ariat.

Starting today, participants are invited to submit photos capturing the freedom and adventure that comes with owning a trusted Troxel helmet from their own perspective.

“We are blown away by the diversity of the photos our customers send to Troxel,” said Vice President of Marketing, Dustin Touchton. “We created this contest to showcase the adventures of our customers who put their trust in Troxel, whether it be on a family ride, on the trail or in the show ring.”

Troxel asks customers to submit photos featuring their adventures in Troxel helmets, whether the photo was taken atop a snow-covered peak, while riding the trails in a local community, or in their backyard. All photos must feature a Troxel helmet.

To participate in the Troxel “Share Your Adventure” Photo Contest, fans must go the Troxel Helmets fan page on Facebook, and follow the instructions on the “Contest” tab on the Facebook page.

Prize Details

Grand Prize:

  • Troxel Helmet of Choice
  • Troxel Helmet Tote
  • Troxel Fleece Jacket
  • Troxel Barn Beanie
  • Troxel Water Resistant Helmet Cover
  • Ariat Boots – up to $300 in value (excludes tall and exotics)

2nd place: Troxel Helmet of Choice and an Ariat Belt 3rd place: Troxel Helmet of Choice and an Ariat Accessory

Prize Eligibility: Only persons who are at least 18 years of age can enter.
Contest Ends – March 31, 2011 @ 09:00 pm (PDT)

Winners will be announced via email, Twitter and Facebook.

For more information and specific contest details, please go to


  1. I wish I could take good photos…this sounds like a fun contest. But I can still have fun enjoying looking at other people’s entries.


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