This is shocking. I'm glad the series is being cancelled before more deaths occur. However, wasn't this series supposed to give racing a better image? HBO's statement certainly gives racing a terrible rap. Safety was higher than in regular racing? Therefore, killing horses is normal for the sport. So much for improving racing's image. HBO is, of course, covering its ASSets but really most horses in barns at night die? And those in pastures too? I guess this is not a good time to be a horse.
They were all accidents people!! This is heartbreaking but these people love these horses! PLEASE!! dont look down on racing!
Very sad to hear this news, but the show was very hard to follow, unless you watched from the first show.
Curious to know the details of the first two injuries and why the delay in production after the second incident. Also, was their a legitimate equine professional that handled the horses and profession trainer or equine behaviorist for this project. It all sounds strange.