just watched the video and it made me sick to my stomach. How can anyone do that to such trusting, innocent animals?
Anyone caught soring should be forced to wear shoes with stones and nails against their bare soles. One great way to prevent this practice would be to eliminate judging according to the ridiculous practice of how high they lift their feet. It looks silly anyway. Why would anyone want to exaggerate this movement?
What kind of disgusting human being could do this to a horse? how would you like that done to you? I think all horse people should go dump the chemicals that he used on him and hit him with a big stick. what a piece of scum.
why even do this horrible practice horses shouldnt be injured just so you can win ribbons. let them do a natural gait which they created to do without soring all show judges should be familiar with the horses natural and one with soring
GREED that is what it boils down. To not all trainers do this and not all competitors cheat not all are "bad apples" there are those that are trying to clean up the image. Hope that the real trainers and riders are successful doing so.
Thats awful. If you don't think horses are good enough naturally to win shows then don't be around them. How would they like it if the same stuff was done to them. Some people don't deserve horses. No horse deserves to be treated like that.