Donations of equine goods and services requested for auction


Running horses
Stolen Horse International, also known as NetPosse, is the first resource for owners of lost or stolen horses. The largely volunteer-run organization is seeking donations to help keep its valuable programs funded.

Each year, NetPosse holds an online auction of horse-related goods and services. Tack, artwork, gift items, books and DVDs are on the wish list for this year’s auction. Additionally, trainers, riding instructors or other equine professionals can donate services for the auction.

Funds raised from the auction go toward preventing horse theft through several different programs. NetPosse is best known for sending out Stolen Horse Alerts when a horse goes missing. These alerts can be shared on social media or printed out and posted in public spaces. By spreading photos and information across the equestrian community, its harder for the horse to slip through the cracks.

NetPosse’s other essential function is education. By providing educational resources on what horse owners can do to protect their horse from theft NetPosse has helped to empower owners against this often-forgotten threat. Additionally, NetPosse speakers travel around the country to horse expos and events to help raise awareness and provide information on horse theft.

For more information on donating or bidding on items in this year’s fundraiser, visit

Further Reading
Horse Theft Prevention Tips
Protect Your Horse From Theft


  1. I have not checked yet, but I wonder if there are local groups. Most items cost way to much to ship, and that extra postage would be better if it were made as a donation. A local chapter, at least items could be delivered.

  2. Hello Horse Channel,
    I have always wanted to have my own little ranch with a Spanish Wild Mustang and an Angus cow. (No funds)
    When I read this article about stealing horses it is awful. I have called the BLM to stop the slaughter of horses, every time I read something on the news about this.
    Horses have been around for a Very long time, to assit a guy in plowing, riding, round up of other horses.
    It is dreadful..


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