politicians can't trust them I say cut their pay and take away their "perks" and see how long this BS lasts
Oh come on, teh best way for them to save money is to take money away from the programs that enrich the possibility of adoptions, training and events that allow people who love the mustangs to show off their skills. This is almost blasphemic. How Sally Spencer and all those on the dole in the name of hte wild horses and burros look to their contracts to process, brand, transport to sale authority buyers, geld, spay and roundup. the best way to save money is to curtail the grazing permits and allow the horses to stay on teh land they were promised by the 1971 Act. There are over 4 million livestock grazing on land that BLM says 30,000 are overgrazing. Please! This is nothing short of propaganda at its worst.
I wish the rest of the American would see the Mustangs and Burros, and horses in general, through "our" eyes and hearts.
Remove/limit the cattle/sheep grazing and there would be plenty of forage. Cheaper to keep the Mustangs on the range, where they belong! Yes, limiting some employee expenses would also help.
Stop giving the "BIG" farmers supplements for NOT growing crops, and there would be a enough to go around.