Excellent article! Extremely informative! Will definitely use these tips for when I get (hopefully!) a horse in the far future!!
great info it amazes me how people can be so cruel hope they find the ones responsible and make them pay. there are some out that have no conscience or moral compass or knowledge of consequences to action I say bring back corporal punishment and put God back in our schools
We also installed video surveillance cameras after a problem we had. If you have the cameras you must post signs of notification on you property. We put up several signs. Our neighbors adore our horses and watch for people on our property and are not shy about asking what a visitor is doing there. Our ADT Alarm signs help also.
We have motion sensor lights and we plan on installing Cameras also. Costly but it does provide peace of mind :$ I am going to put up No Trespassing signs following this article - Thank You for the great advice
It was a pleasure reading your well-written, timely and thoughtful article. My contribution is to microchip our equine community even tho I no longer own horses. Thank you so much for addressing the topic; it's a pleasure to share it on social media!
Leslie, thank you so much for writing this educational and informative article. You did a fantastic job!!! As I told you when we talked, these stories break my heart. We will be glad to answer anyone questions if they contact us on NetPosse.com (Contact us button) or on our Facebook page, Stolen Horse International, Inc., aka NetPosse.com. We are here to help!!
They also have "Trip wire" alarms... a laser beam that when crossed emits a short, high pitched sound. Can be programmed to alert your phone too. We have them across every door in our barn, high enough that cats etc don't set it off. It's helpful for letting you know when someone goes in, or if a horse gets loose and comes out! Very inexpensive and a great device. We use the one made for garage doors :)
I microchipped my horse but that is my only line of defence. I hope nobody ever does anything to my horse!