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Categories: Horse News

Celebrate National Day of the Horse – December 13

In 2004, Congress declared Dec. 13 as National Day of the Horse in the United States. This year, we asked members of our Facebook community to tell us what horses mean to them. Some of their responses appear below. Share your thoughts in the comments!

Healing. Without my Morgan stallion, Wisperwin Imperialcommand, I could never have moved beyond losing my son. And two Morgan mares reunited us with my husband’s brother and sister-in-law, healing and bringing our family back together.
—Moor-Gans Morgan Horses

Every time I ride it relieves my stress in so many ways. Horses are beautiful creatures with a mind of their own. I finally got my first horse at age 35. He is my therapy for everything everyday. Just seeing him, watching him graze, walk around, run and play is such an amazing feeling to me. I couldn’t ask for anything more.
–Monique N.

Horses mean I never have to worry about having extra money laying around! And that an animal who has no reason to trust anyone can learn to trust you, if you’re honest in your intentions.
— Janet A.

I have loved horses since I was 4 years old. I was very timid. Scared of everything until I saw my first herd of horses. I marched right into the paddock and hugged one of the horses around its chest (I was only as tall as his chest). Horses have been my calm place my whole life and were a key element in developing my confidence. Today horses are helping my 3-year-old daughter. She survived a stroke while I was pregnant with her. She has hemiparesis and mild cerebral palsy. The therapy horses have done wonders in helping her in so many ways! She is so much more confident and is on the verge of running. I truly have the utmost respect for horses, or earth angels as I call them. I try to repay them by volunteering at a miniature horse rescue and I am going to become an equine body worker and give a gentle, healing touch to these beautiful animals who have made such a difference in my life.
— Diane A.

As so many others have commented, my horse is my therapy, my friend, my reason for getting out of bed everyday. Too many bad things gave happened in the past five years, and he’s always there for a kiss and a hug. Thank you TKC Twist Of Sabre.
— Judi L.

My horses are my solace. They are a true gift from God. They are my companions and my my soul mates! They love us unconditionally; they do not care what you look like, what you have, the color of your skin, or how much money you have. They bring me peace, love and respect. I lost my first horse this September. I’d had him 26 years. He was 34 years old when he left this world. He gave me his all, more than any human has ever given me! There is nothing in this world better than to have a life long bond with a horse, who completely, utterly trusts you, takes care of you.
— Kimberly G.

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  • The New York State Horse Council give thanks for the iconic NYC carriage horses for the joy they bring to many who live in and visit New York. Well kept and well housed, we also acknowledge the benefits they bring in inspiring the interest in horses and equine careers amongst folks who may not otherwise have the opportunity to touch a horse.

  • My horses got me through the darkest days of my life. They are old now, but will be with me till death do us part.

  • what horses mean to me ... Well now that would have to be the hardest qwestion in my life to try and answer .. i dont reckon i have the words .. tho i supose Its a Freedome only a horseman or woman can understand ,,yet how can one explain ? .. life for me wouldnt be worth living with out um and the thought alone makes me thank the good lord for giving me such a friend as my horse Dear Lord
    If we should stumble
    my horse and I ... Pick him up first Lord
    for he has already carried me through Hell

  • My horses are as important to me as my grandchildren! I got my first very own horse in my 40s always rode as a kid was bucked off and drug by a horse at 5 still could not wait to get back on!! Just hanging in the pasture with mine watching them just wakes me up inside it moves me in a way i cant explain! It calms me when ive had a bad day just to stand and be accepted as a part of the herd! They tend to groom me as much as i groom them! Its like being a part of their world! In the word of winston Churchill: there is something about the outside of a horse that does something to the inside of a man!!!

  • What horses mean to me? They are big, strong, and magnificent creatures that can carry a human, Which no other animal can do. They are like a dog, because they will follow you around. And, when riding a horse you feel safer than walking at night, because you know you can rear the horse when there is danger.

  • The Horse has meant everything to me ever since I was a little girl. Climbed up on my first horse when I was barely old enough to walk. Being around them gives me a feeling unlike any other! Happiness, Peace, Warms my heart!! Let's just say I never outgrew the horse infatuation phase!!! :)

  • The Horse has meant everything to me ever since I was a little girl. Climbed up on my first horse when I was barely old enough to walk. Being around them gives me a feeling unlike any other! Happiness, Peace, Warms my heart!! Let's just say I never outgrew the horse infatuation phase!!! :)

  • Horses are strong and honorable animals. We ask little and they will give their all. They are to me a trainer for my temper. The more love you show the more they return.

  • My horse is my partner, companion, friend. He makes worries feel less important. Riding him is my reward after finishing a hard task, my present on my birthday, any holidays. Grooming him takes me away from the day. Cleaning his pen takes care of him, my good friend, and takes my mind off life's chores. I feel happy when he nickers, and looking into his eyes. I would feel as though I had no feet without him. If he wasn't in my life, something would be missing.

  • I began my love affair with Horses when I was a toddler. They are engrained in my soul! They are my passion, stress reliever, salvation, and my confidant.

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