Rescue Horses to Get New Enclosure with Your Help


Rudy the horse has had a difficult life. The Oklahoma City Animal Control found the horse near death, tangled in barbed wire and covered in mud and blood, News 9 reported. It is assumed he was attacked by animals, which resulted in the loss of his ears. Rudy was taken to Blaze’s Tribute Equine Rescue; his then-owner had animal abuse charges filed against him. At Blaze’s Tribute, co-owner Natalee Cross helped nurse Rudy back to health, with the help of supporters who donated over $20,000 toward his veterinary bills.

Recovering remarkably well considering the injuries he sustained just seven months ago, Rudy became friends with Double D, a horse in the stall next to him. Double D also had a difficult life, arriving at Blaze’s Tribute in critical condition due to cancerous tumors, News 9 reports.

The two have bonded, Cross told News 9. “You can’t take one without the other. And if you do, they’re going to be talking to each other, making sure that they’re not getting too far out of each other’s sight. They play, they roll. They’re very happy. They really enjoy life to the fullest.”

As of now, the two horses need supervised outdoor time, since both must have protection from the elements. However, given how much they love the time outside – and how much they deserve it – Cross is looking to give them a bigger enclosure. It will be 16 x 40 feet, with a fenced-in area attached for them to play outside, News 9 reports. The space will cost an estimated $8,000. Blaze’s Tribute is currently using funds from their daily care budget toward the enclosure, but is also asking for help from those who wish to donate. The group has set up a YouCaring account to raise money for the rescue horses’ new enclosure. To donate or to learn more about Rudy and Double D, visit Blaze’s Tribute YouCaring page.

Blaze’s Tribute has done a lot of work with rescue horses. Read about how they helped give horses destined for slaughter a better chance at



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