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Categories: Horse News

Military Horses Up for Adoption

The U.S. Army Caisson Platoon, 3d Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) has the solemn duty of escorting service members to…

Posted by 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) on Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Have you ever thought that there’s something special about a military horse, especially a caisson horse? Maybe their poise, how they carried themselves in military funeral processions, struck you. According to

The Caisson Horses of The Old Guard participate in all Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps Full Honors Funerals performed in Arlington National Cemetery. These magnificent animals serve with the men of the Caisson Platoon daily to ensure final honors are given in a dignified, professional, and respectful manner; and they love their job.

They, just like our soldiers, carry out their service and eventually leave the military. And sometimes, when horses retire from service, they are placed up for adoption. That time is now.

“These guys did their service,” Staff Sgt. David Smith told The Washington Post. “It’s their time to be a horse.”

Kennedy and Quincy are the Caisson Platoon horses up for adoption. Kennedy, though highly trained for military duty, is retiring from service for kicking cars and soldiers. It is advised that an experienced trainer and/or rider adopt Kennedy. Quincy is being retired from the Caisson Platoon due to health issues. He suffers from navicular disease, which gives him foot pain. To learn more about these horses, visit the U.S. Army Old Guard website.

These horses are available for free. However, the vetting process is strict. Those interested must fill out a six-page application. Besides the standard information questions, the application also asks things as what you would do with the horse if you had to move; how much you anticipate spending on feed, farrier care, veterinary care and boarding; as well as your familiarity and experience with horses. Photographs of facilities will also be required. It is highly encouraged that a visit is scheduled to see the horses in person so that the applicant can find out if the horse is right for them and also to give a face to the application for the Caisson Platoon. Visit the Adopt a Caisson Horse page on the U.S. Army site for more information and to download an application.


Cari Jorgensen

Cari Jorgensen is a web content specialist who is also an adjunct professor of English at Santa Ana College.

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