Tiny Unicorn Causes a Police Chase in California


A small unicorn led California Highway Patrol on a chase on Thursday afternoon after freeing herself from a children’s party in the community of Madera Ranchos, near Fresno.

Unicorn on the loose!!A white pony outfitted as a unicorn for a children’s birthday party lead officers on a not so merry chase: https://12ne.ws/1n0CzG6

Posted by 12 News on Thursday, February 25, 2016

According to news reports, the unicorn evaded its captors twice, first briefly running off around 2:30 p.m. She was recaptured, but escaped again around 5:30, presumably by using her magical powers.

The troublesome enchanted equine took off down the road, causing much confusion to motorists, but fortunately, no accidents or injuries. Law enforcement was forced to use specialized equipment to track down the cunning creature.

According to Joshua McConnell of the California Highway Patrol, the unicorn, “was finally located in an orchard by the CHP H40 helicopter, using the heat seeking FLIR radar.” A nearby horse owner helped officers corral the evasive animal.

“No injures were reported, but there were several near misses,” said McConnell, “The pony [sic] was just lucky. It was returned to its owner unharmed and was secured.”

There has been some speculation that the unicorn was, in fact, a pony dressed up for a birthday party, but horseillustrated.com has been unable to confirm this.

Leslie Potter is Managing Editor of horseillustrated.com. Follow her on Twitter: @LeslieInLex.


  1. Bet people thought they were “seeing” things. I liked that she used her magical powers to escape the first capture.


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