AQHA Commemorates Horses With Bricks


With Thanksgiving coming up, now’s the time to be thinking about how much we treasure our horses. If you’ve had a special American Quarter Horse in your life, you might consider purchasing a brick in his or her honor. Yes, that’s right: a brick. The American Quarter Horse Foundation Wall of Honor is located on the front wall of the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame & Museum. This special wall permanently displays bricks memorializing your favorite American Quarter Horses as well as American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) and American Quarter Horse Youth Association (AQHYA) members. Each brick offers three lines for names, awards and other special memories. Bricks may contain the registered name of your American Quarter Horse, his or her registration number, nickname, awards, and the name of the owner, trainer and/or breeder. You also may purchase a brick to honor or memorialize an AQHA or AQHYA member.  Bricks may contain phrases such as, ‘in memory of,’ ‘our friend,’ ‘loved by,’ et cetera.

To learn more about the Wall of Honor, visit and click on the link to the AQHA Foundation. Where applicable under law, the purchase of a memorial brick is tax deductible, and the proceeds help to further the charitable causes of the AQHA Foundation.


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