well i live in florida and always wear a helmet. as foolish as it is to ride without one i don't think people,even minors should be forced
I support this bill in full. Children should not be given the option as to whether they wear a helmet or not. they should always have one on.
I think it is a wonderful thing! My daughter wears a helmet and was in a pony accident that I believe the helmet saved her life. I think it showed be required at all shows also. My daughter is the only child that wears a helmet at our local barrel racing show and I think that is just terrible. I am all for the law!
I am all for helmets! I however am "not" for it to be a "Law"!In my own opinion, I believe that it should be the parent's ""resposibility"" to have their child wear a helmet. After all, it's the parent that is the person giving permission for the child to ride. I have a rule that my child abides by...... No Helmet - No Horse - No excuses! But there you go..... That's "my opinion & my choice", for myself & my child. Helmets are a Fantastic Rule.....but ""Not a Law""!
I am all for helmets! I however am "not" for it to be a "Law"! In my own opinion, I believe that it should be the parent's ""responsibility"" to have their child wear a helmet. After all, it's the parent that is the person giving permission for the child to ride. I have a rule that my child abides by...... No Helmet - No Horse - No excuses! But there you go..... That's "my opinion & my choice", for myself & my child. Helmets are a Fantastic Rule.....but ""Not a Law""! Sorry for the double comment post.....I make a spelling mistake that I needed to correct.