I loved this article. I have a paint so i know how hard it can be to keep them clean. Mane and Tail detangler works great for getting those pesky burrs out.
A shedding block works magnificently for helping the horse shed their winter coat. Main and Tail detangler and White and Brite shampoo have been a lifesaver for me and my palimino.
Hmmm......I'd say Mane and Tail detangler works best for the burs.I don't have much experience, though,because our pasture isn't really muddy at all.
You are so lucky that your pasture's are not extremely muddy. To get the clumps of mud out of my horses fetlocks, I try to crumble the pieces together first, then I use a tail brush. I use the tail brush on his mane when it's too tangled to use the comb.
Well the whole tail thing, in the nasty winter months i put my horse's tail in a tail bag. I leave it in for a week or so and then take it out, rebraid it, and put it back in the tail bag. It works great to keep it clean. I let the mud dry completly before i try to get it off. Then with a curry comb or a stiff brush i just flick it off. He will still have a tint of brown, but i have dark bays so that doesn't bother me:)
An easy way to deal with a mass of burrs is to simply put baby oil into a spray bottle and apply to mane or tail. The use of childrens detangler also takes the burrs out very well. When the coat wants to shed,daily grooming takes a lot of work out of trying to rid the excess hair much quicker!
My favorite is Cowboy Magic...I use it on my horse's tail and it goes from tangled and messy to shiny, sleek, and full.
To remove mud I first let my horses dry,than I take a plastic curry comb and pull the mud of.Than I use a rubber curry(dull teeth kind)and spend 5-20 minuets in a vigerous curry.Than a soft body brush followed by a towel.For fet locks same for the body.My horses are Hunters so some get coat summpemts.I always vacume my horses after a grooming.For mane and tall I use a conditioner and keep manes pulled.
For the worst of grooming days? I have three words for yah: Wipes (baby wipes specifically) Rinse (rinse now, groom later) Work (There's no fancy spray bottle that could substitue for that, eh?) I hope that was self explanatory.