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HI Spy: Do you drive a horsemobile?

Gallopp license plateGallopp license plateYou are what you drive. At least that’s what the truck and car manufacturers would like us to believe. But that saying may hold true for horse lovers.

Many of us drive pickup trucks for more than just hauling horses. We simply feel at home behind the wheel of a utilitarian vehicle. If we need several sacks of feed or have to heft some bedding back to the barn, a truck sure comes in handy.  And just to make sure the world knows we’re serious about caring for horses, there’s usually some hay scraps hitching a ride on the back bumper.

Horsemobile bumper stickerHorsemobile bumper stickerIf a car is your standard mode of transportation to and from the barn, it probably also bears testimony to your horse loving nature. Chances are your car’s trunk is a treasure trove of horse stuff. If someone popped it open, they might discover a spare pair of boot socks, a dusty helmet or an extra halter or bridle. And what’s strewn across your backseat or tucked under the front seat? Likely finds include old horse show premiums, receipts from the tack store, a (somewhat) clean sweatshirt and that long lost riding glove.

Gettiup license plateGettiup license plateNo horse lover’s set of wheels would be complete without a sprinkling of animal hair clinging to the seat cushions, whether it’s courtesy of a recently curried horse or the resident barn dog. Then there’s that gritty dirt that falls off the soles of boots and collects around the gas and brake pedals.  It’s a wonder that we even try to keep our vehicles clean!

In this installment of HI Spy, we’d like to know how your vehicle matches your horse loving lifestyle. How does your truck or car reveal that you’re a horse lover? Do you have a personalized license plate that declares your passion? Are you driving around with half the contents of your tackroom in your backseat? Click on Submit a Comment below and tell us about your horse mobile. Some comments may appear in a future issue of Horse Illustrated magazine.

See more HI Spy Questions.

Horse Illustrated

Horse Illustrated is the magazine for people who are passionate about horses. Each issue offers advice on horse health and care, plus user-friendly training tips for both English and western riders and engaging lifestyle features for horse lovers.

View Comments

  • Hi horse lovers! I have a '94 Ford Ranger. Everyone knows I am a horse freek because on the front I have a horsey licencens plate. My interier is covered in horse hair all the time and the rugs are never clean. But that is the way I like my vehicle, DIRTY!

  • I own a '76 Ford pickup. one of my favorites things, and there is no mistaking that it is a Horse-mobile. The bumper is covered with stickers from adopt-BLM-mustangs to cute horsey sayings. There is halters, mucking boots, magazines, pictures, decals, carrots, and an endless amount of dirt and straw covering every square inch of my truck. There is always either a haybale, a saddle, or bags of feed in the back, and I have a strand of braided hair from my horse on my dashboard; a daily reminder of him. Oh, you gotta love that truck!

  • I am not yet fifteen & a half. My parents are not very horse the only time tack is in the car is after purchasing or for lessons & shows. There are no horsey license plates bumper stickers or decals on the car. When I get a car I plan to always drive a truck. Put on horses decals, bumper stickers & license plates & horsey floor mats. I am sure tack such will often be in the back or feed & hay in the bed. There will be dog & horsehair on the eats & it will smell like horses with hay stuck in the bumper

  • You can definately tell I am a horse person by looking at my car. I have bumper stickers that tell you my quarter horse is smarter than your honor roll student, my other ride is my horse, if you're going to ride my bumper at least put a saddle on it & to end abuse & support Days End Farm Horse Rescue. Open the trunk and you'll find misc. bits of tack, boots, etc. I love my horse & am proud to let the work know it.

  • you can definently tell that i'm a horse person by looking at my truck. On the back window there is a decal that says cowgirl cadillac and another barrel racer decal on the tail gate. on the two front doors theres a magnetic sign with our farm name on it.

  • There may not be a lot of horse stuff on the exterior of my car, but the inside is a mini tack room. There's probably everything you need to go riding- including an extra saddle!

  • The only thing horsey that is in my car is my brush bag. I think I have a pair of winter boots in my trunk. I had my English show boots and a broken pair of paddock riding boots. But when I'm older, I will definitely have a horsey license plate, and maybe some horsey bumper stickers!

  • My truck is like most horsey trucks. I got bumper stickers on it, with the hay in the back from feeding that day. Now the inside is another story there are briddles, lost halters, brushes,my helmet, and an occassional saddle in the passenger seat. Heaven help me if I get a ride along that is not the dog. Nice to know their are others out there it is not just me.

  • My equine addiciton is broadcast loudly to the outside world through mode of transportation. I own a '95 red Chevrolet Tahoe with a horse decal on the back window and an appaloosa pinstripe. The inside bears the smell of fresh hay and leather with all the necessary equipment for a trail ride or jackpot. Drive on equine enthusiasts, drive on!

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