Please tell me that Shy Boy is not still housed, after one full yr. of this, in a single stall with uncut hooves. As a herd animal with no overhead shelter as well as no other animal in his pen, does this not demonstrate cruel care for such a herd animal? Is what the German lady on Common said true????
I adore Monty Roberts. His work is fabulous. I hope to one day be as good a rider and horseman as he is. I would visit his website, there are a ton of good educational videos there- not like Parelli's "buy this billion dollar stick to move your horse around, and it's NOTHING like a crop, oh no, it has the Parelli namebrand on it!!!" Monty Roberts is much more down to earth!
i love monty roberts! he is my hero, and when i am on my horse, i think about what he did and what he went through to get to where he is. it really amazes me to think of how he learned what he did. i have already tried some of his methods on my horses, and i saw their behavior improve dramaticly. thanks Monty!!!