National Issues Forum This Week

The AHC's National Issues Forum will be held in Lexington

The American Horse Council (AHC) will host a National Issues Forum at the Keeneland Race Track in Lexington, Ky., on Nov. 2, 2007. The Forum provides an opportunity for all horse enthusiasts and industry participants to gain insight and knowledge about national topics directly affecting the equine community in the United States.
The AHC has announced that the key topics slated for discussion at the Forum include:
–          Immigration issues facing the horse industry
–          Federal tax laws applicable to horse owners
–          Import and export issues for horse owners
–          Conservation easements
–          Equine Piroplasmosis update
–          Latest news from the Unwanted Horse Coalition
–          Updates on federal legislation and regulations.   
All horse owners are invited to attend the Forum. Interested attendees are invited to call the AHC at (202) 296-4031 for further details. A complete schedule of events, as well as a final list of speakers, is available at the AHC website at


  1. Great to see that these issues will be discussed. I will definately keep my eye on these issues as they are important to all horse owners.


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