SmartPak goes SmartPink


Most horse owners are familiar with SmartPak, a major supplier of animal health products. Now, employees from the Massachusetts-based company have teamed up to participate in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer June 19 – 20.  The 39-mile Avon Walk is held each year in Boston, starting at UMASS Boston with an overnight stop at Prowse Farm in Canton.  The Team SmartPak entry includes eight SmartPak employees who have been training and fundraising since January.
“Breast cancer is an issue that touches so many of our friends, family members, employees and customers,” says Kristen Isaacs, a SmartPak vice president and member of Team SmartPak.  “Through our journey preparing for this walk, we have come together as a team, and as a company, to help find a cure.”
SmartPak is no stranger to this cause.  In 2005, the company launched an exclusive SmartPink™ product line to benefit breast cancer research. The SmartPink line of products includes travel bags, a complete line of all-weather horse clothing and will soon include dog coats. The product line is exclusive to SmartPak and has become a great way for customers to use their purchases to join the fight against breast cancer.  Through this and other efforts, SmartPak has now donated over $20,000 to breast cancer research.
SmartPak plans to continue donating proceeds from the sale of the SmartPink line to breast cancer research. “SmartPak is committed to breast cancer research and being involved in the Avon Walk is an extension of that commitment,” says Becky Minard, SmartPak’s Founder.  “Giving back to the community is truly rewarding and one of our most important corporate values.”
For more information about SmartPak and the SmartPink line, go to


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