I think these tips are great! However, I live in Florida so it is not the snow in the winter we have to deal with, but the EXTREME heat during the summer. Sometimes that can cause one to want to stay inside and cool down rather than make your horse sweat even more. Nonetheless, a good tip I have come up with is riding more into the evening so there is shade and it is slightly cooler. :)
I don't mind riding during the cold, so Sweet Pea gets out pretty often. Good luck to anyone that has terribly cold winters!! Of course, she gets terribly hyper even if I do ride her every day :)
I wouldn't mind riding in the winter but hate the wind and so does my horses and since no access to indoor arena that out. maybe santa will bring a winning lottery ticket so I can build one
Riding in winter not only keeps my horse fit but it helps me too! Just one thing though my horse walks a lot faster and more purposefully AWAY from home. He loves going on adventures. By the time we head back he's slowed down. No rush there.
I certainly don't mind riding in the cold, it's the rain that keeps me and my horse from going out; soaked jeans and slippery footing are never fun for either of us!